Iryna Odrekhivska

Position: Associate Professor, Translation Studies and Contrastive Linguistics named after Hryhoriy Kochur Department, Director of the Center for English-language Academic and Cross-cultural Communication

Scientific degree: Candidate of Philological Sciences

Academic status: Associate Professor

Phone (office): (032) 239-43-74


Web page:

Google Scholar profile:

ORCID profile:

ResearchGate profile:

Research interests

  • Historiography of Translation in Central and Eastern European Traditions
  • Translation and Society
  • Ideology, Politics and Ethics of Translation “in the Other Europe”
  • Contemporary Ukrainian Literature in English Translation
  • Knowledge Diplomacy and Higher Education
  • Digital Humanities



ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2568-877

Book volumes: 

  • Handbook of Intercultural Communication / Iryna Odrekhivska, Oksana Dzera, Anna Halas, Oksana Molderf, Yuliia Naniak, Oleksandra Litvinyak ; ed. by Iryna Odrekhivska. Lviv, Lviv University Publishing, 2023.
  • Дуальна форма здобуття вищої освіти: європейський досвід, український контекст та практики реалізації в Львівському університеті / І. Іваночко, І. Одрехівська, Н. Козьмук, І. Дияк, Н. Міщук, Ю. Фургала; за ред. І. Одрехівської. Львів: ЛНУ імені Івана Франка, 2023. 139 с. URL:
  • Odrekhivska Iryna, Halas Anna. The Future of Work and the Near Future of Intercultural Communication: Leveraging Dual Education. Lviv, 2023. URL:

Collective monographs: 

  • Odrekhivska, Iryna (2021) “Historiosophy of Translation: Reflecting on Ukrainian Translation Conceptualizations (from Ivan Franko to Maksym Strikha).” The Situatedness of Translation Studies. Temporal and Geographic Dynamics of Theorization. Boston: Brill, 2021. Chapter 3: pp. 34 – 59.
  • Odrekhivska, Iryna (2020) “The Power of Translation in the Powerless Habsburg Galicia, or How the Ruthenian (Ukrainian) Identity Translated Itself until 1848.” In Lucyna Harmon and Dorota Osuchowska (eds.) Translation and Power. Berlin: Peter Lang, 79 – 86.
  • Odrekhivska, Iryna (2019) “The Metaturn in Translation Studies, and the Images of Knowledge on Translation.” In Michal Organ (ed.) Translation Today: Literary Translation in Focus. Berlin: Peter Lang, 167-177.
  • Odrekhivska, Iryna (2017) “In the Realm of Translation Studies in Ukraine: Re-visiting Victor Koptilov’s Translation Concept.” In Larisa Schippel and Cornelia Zwischenberger (eds) Going East: Discovering New and Alternative Traditions in Translation (Studies). Berlin: Frank & Timme, 513–532.
  • Odrekhivska, Iryna (2012) “Prof. Victor Koptilov’s Scholarship in Translation Didactics: Advancing Translation Studies in the 20th-century Ukraine.” In Łukasz Bogucki and Michael Deckert (eds) Teaching Translation and Interpreting: Advances and Perspectives. Cambridge Scholars Publ., 175–188.

Articles in international journals indexed in Scopus: 

  • Odrekhivska, Iryna (2017) “Consolidating Anton Popovič’s “metacommunicational context of translation” as a conceptual cluster.” World Literature Studies, 9: 2, 57–67.
  • Odrekhivska, Iryna (2017) “Translation Editology: Conceptualizing the Unknown Known Interdisciplinary Area of Translation Studies.” Respectus Philologus, 31, 92– 100. DOI: 10.15388/respectus.2017.31.36.09
  • Odrekhivska, Iryna (2016) “Anti-illusionist Trend in Drama Translation: Re-framing Jiří Levý’s Concept.” Mutatis Mutandis, 9:2, 247–266.

Selected articles in Ukrainian journals: 

  • Одрехівська, Ірина (2024) “Едитологія як напрям перекладознавчих досліджень.” Studia methodologica, 57, 165 – 173. DOI:
  • Одрехівська, Ірина (2024) “Від соціології до едитології перекладу.” Південний архів (філологічні науки), 97, 54 – 60. DOI:
  • Одрехівська, Ірина (2024) “Переклад як простір пам’яті та ре-актуалізація канону: поема «Сліпці» Миколи Бажана в англо-американському перекладі Григорія Грабовича.” Сучасні дослідження з іноземної філології, 1, 280-287. DOI:
  • Odrekhivska, Iryna (2024) “Translation as delinking from colonial narratives: Oksana Zabuzhko’s fiction in English.” Black Sea Philological Journal, 4, 90-96. DOI:
  • Odrekhivska, Iryna (2024) “Reading poetry by Vasyl Stus in English: Translational justice and entangled editorial practices.” New Philology, 93, 122-127. DOI:
  • Одрехівська, Ірина (2020) “Аналітична модель дослідження рецепції української літератури в інокультурному просторі: уроки учителя професорки Роксолани Петрівни Зорівчак.” Іноземна філологія, 133, 173-183.
  • Одрехівська, Ірина (2016) “Поетика В. Коптілова в інтерсуб’єктивному просторі перекладацької інтерпретації.” Науковий вісник Дрогобицького держ. пед. ун-ту імені Івана Франка. Серія: Філологічні науки, 5 (2), 49–52.
  • Одрехівська, Ірина (2016) “Новаторство Віктора Коптілова – історика українського перекладу.” Наукові записки Кіровоградського держ. пед. ун-ту. Серія: Філологічні науки, 144, 194–200.
  • Одрехівська, Ірина (2014) “Діалогізм перекладознавчих концепцій Григорія Кочура та Віктора Коптілова в онтологічному вимірі української культури другої половини ХХ століття.” Іноземна філологія, 127 (2), 124–135.
  • Одрехівська, Ірина (2014) “Перекладознавча школа професора В. Коптілова: її ґенеза і контекст.” Науковий вісник Міжнародного гуманітарного університету. Сер.: Філологія, 9, 163–166.
  • Одрехівська, Ірина (2013) “Модель критики перекладу в рамках перекладознавчої концепції проф. В. Коптілова.” Іноземна філологія, 125, 123–129.
  • Одрехівська, Ірина (2013) “Переспів-реконструкція як жанр поетичного перекладу : (на матеріалі українського переспіву “Трістана та Ізольди” проф. В. Коптілова).” Вісник Харків. нац. ун-ту ім. В. Н. Каразіна. Сер.: “Романо-германська філологія. Методика викладання іноземних мов”, 1071 (75), 157– 164.


Iryna Odrekhivska is Associate Professor of Translation Studies and Linguistics at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, where she also holds the position of the Director of the Center for Academic and Cross-cultural Communication. Currently, Iryna Odrekhivska is Visiting Senior Research Fellow and Lecturer of Ukrainian Studies at University College London, SSEES (School of Slavonic and East European Studies), UK. Previously, she has been affiliated as Senior Researcher in the Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences (2022) and Wayne Vucinich Fellow at CREEES, Stanford University (2019)In 2018, Iryna Odrekhivska was affiliated as Coimbra Research Fellow in the Institute of Translation Studies at the University of Graz (Austria). She is also the Founder and Head of Board of the NGO “Education Laboratory”, as well as a member of the European Society for Translation Studies and a member of the Board in the International Network “History and Translation”.
Iryna Odrekhivska holds PhD in Translation Studies (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 2015) and double MA in Philology (Translation, Linguistics, Literature) and International Relations (Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2010/2008). She also completed the certification program in UCU Business School on University Management and Leadership in 2022. In her continuous professional upskilling, she participated in a range of international reputable programs on translation, namely – from British Center for Literary Translation (2023) and Nida School of Translation Studies (2018).
In 2023, she led the organization, coordinated and lectured in the International Summer School within the ACROSS Alliance of European Universities “Cultural Intelligence, Creativity and Transnational Mediation in the Age of AI” that took place in Technical University of Chemnitz, Germany. In 2019, Iryna Odrekhivska co-supervised the First International Translation  Workshop LitTransformer within the UNESCO Creative Network of the Cities of Literature. In 2023, she coordinated the international collaboration of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv with EU4DUAL Alliance of European Universities under the support of Koszalin University of Technology and NAWA, which led to the establishment of the Virtual Lab of Intercultural Communication with a comprehensive ecosystem of lectures, handbooks, workshops and blogs:

Iryna Odrekhivska has widely published in international academic press on the problems of Ukrainian translation history and cultural identity, transnational image building of contemporary Ukrainian literature through Anglophone translations, the role of translation in Habsburg Galicia, and on the contemporary tendencies in Ukrainian studies and higher education (dual education, knowledge diplomacy, inter-epistemic dialogue).


  • Plenary Speaker at the International Conference on Translation Studies:

Conference Talk by Iryna Odrekhivska on “Translation and Identity in Ukraine” (Slovakia, 2015)

  • Virtual Lab of Intercultural Communication:

Conference papers:

  • “Decoding Anglophone Translations of Ukrainian Literature: Colonial Echoes, Resilient Voices, and Narratives Unbound” to be delivered at the International conference “European Narratives and Identity: Ukraine – A New Perspective” (Paris, 25-26 June 2024)
  • “Decolonizing Discourse in the Quest for Equitable Representation: Ukrainian Translation as a Cultural Practice in Post-WWII DP Communities” at the International conference Languages and Cultures in Times of War: (Im)possible, (Re)imagined, (Un)manageable(London, 2 – 3 May 2024).
  • “Literary Translation and Translingual Writing among Displaced Ukrainians in Post-WWII Europe” at the International Conference Forced Migrations: History – Literature – Memory (Wroclaw, 21-23 February 2024).
  • “Intercultural Synergy in the Multidisciplinary Design Thinking Course: Enhancing Future-Ready Skills” (Presentation of the Project Virtual Intercultural Communication Lab) at the 1st European Dual Higher Education Conference (Malta, 10-11 April 2024)
  • “Teaching Decolonial Practices of Translation: On Positioning Ukrainian Literature in the English-speaking World” at the International conference “Teaching Translation and Interpreting in Higher Education” (Lviv, 7-8 December 2023)
  • “Пам’ять і деколоніальний переклад: ре-нарація української літератури” at the International conference Політика памяті: досвід Європи для України / Memory Politics: Lessons Learned in Europe for Ukraine (17-18 November 2023, Zaporizhzhia / online)
  • “What Happens on the Bridge? Itineraries on the Tower Bridge of Translation in the Shifting Geopolitics of Europe” at the International conference Translation & Culture 2023: Virality and Isolation in the Era of Deepening Divides (Bratislava, 20-22 September 2023)
  • “Translating Poetry as an Existential Therapy and Alternative Canon-Creation in the Times of War” at the International conference Translation as Resistance: The Politics of Intercultural Mediation in East-Central Europe (7 June 2022, Lviv / online)
  • “European Translation Zones in the Conditio of Dispatrio: Voicing the Experience of Displaced Ukrainians in the times of post WWII” at the Inaugural Conference of the History and Translation Network History and Translation: Multidisciplinary Perspectives (Tallinn, 25-28 May 2022)
  • “Б.-І. Антонич у діалозі з Богом: англомовні переклади поезії українського модерніста”, presented at the all-Ukrainian conference «Великий код: Біблія ‒ світова література ‒ переклад» (Lviv/online, 9 November 2020)
  • “Translation as Empowerment in the Shifting Contexts of the Habsburg Galizien” at the International conference Translation and Power (Rzeszow, 7-8 July 2019)
  • “The Translator as an Agent of Cultural Change: Translators’ Teloi in the 19-20th century Ukrainian Literary Periodicals” at International Conference Staging the Literary Translator (Vienna, 17-19 May 2018)
  • “Complexity-driven Approach to Cultural Creativity in “the Other Europe”: How Ukrainian Culture Translates Itself” at the 4th International conference Translation: Sameness, Likeness and Match under the support of Directorate-General for Translation, European Commission (Vilnius, 5-6 October 2017)
  • “Contemporary Ukrainian Magnum Opus in German and English Translations: Contesting the Boundaries of Centrality and Marginality” at the International conference Small is Great. Cultural Transfer through Translating the Literatures of Smaller European Nations (Budapest, 6-9 March 2016)


