Oksana Molderf
Position: Lecturer, Intercultural Communication and Translation Department
Phone (office): (032) 239-46-80
Email: oksana.molderf@lnu.edu.ua
Google Scholar profile: scholar.google.de
Research interests
- Ivan-Franko-Studies
- Theory and Practice of Interpreting and Translation
- Audiovisual Translation
- Media Translation
- Digitalization in the education
- Language Policy in Ukraine and abroad
- Мольдерф О. Українська історична пісня в німецькомовному перекладацькому доробку Івана Франка [The Ukrainian Historical Song in the German-speaking Translation Heritage of Ivan Franko]. Inozemna filolohija. Lʹviv, 2015. Vol. 128. P.133–140.
- Molderf O. Frankos Beitrag zur translationswissenschaftlichen und translatorischen Tradition in der Ukraine [Franko’s Contribution to the Tradition of Translation Studies and Translation in Ukraine]. Studia Translatorica. Wroclaw, 2015. Vol. 6. P. 271–280.
- Мольдерф О. Іван Франко – редактор перекладів власних творів німецькою мовою (на прикладі перекладу поезії «Якби ти знав, як много важить слово» А. Атласа) [Ivan Franko as Editor of the Translations of His Own Works from Ukranian into German (On the Example of the Poem “If You Have Known, How Much Does Mean The Word”)]. Aktualʹni problemy romano-hermansʹkoji filolohiji ta prykladnoji linhvistyky. Černivci, 2016. Vol. 11–12. Part 2. P. 79–85.
- Мольдерф О. Іван Франко та Василь Стефаник: до перекладу однієї новели [Ivan Franko and Vasyl Stefanyk: About the Translation of One Novel]. Naukovi zapysky Kirovohradsʹkoho deržavnoho pedahohičnoho universytetu imeni V. Vynnyčenka. Serija: Filolohični nauky. Kirovohrad, 2016. Vol. 144. P. 250–257.
- Мольдерф О. Українські приповідки в німецькомовному перекладі Івана Франка [Ukrainian Proverbs in German Translation of Ivan Franko]. Perekladoznavstvo ta mižkulʹturna komunikacija. Xerson, 2017. Vol. 3. P. 47–54.
- Мольдерф О. «Ой летіла зозуленька по Вкраїні»: українська народна пісня у двох німецьких перекладах Івана Франка [“A Little Cuckoo Was Flying Over Ukraine”: A Ukrainian Folk Song in Two German Translations by Ivan Franko]. Zapysky Naukovoho tovarystva imeni Ševčenka: Praci Filolohičnoji sesiji. Lʹviv, 2016. Vol. SSLXIX. P. 542–551.
- Мольдерф О. Медіація і професійна перекладацька діяльність в контексті оновлення Загальноєвропейських рекомендацій з мовної освіти [Updating the Common European Framework
of References for Languages: Mediation and Professional Translation Activity]. Inozemna filolohija. Lʹviv, 2018. Vol. 131. P. 71–80. - Мольдерф О. Іван Франко як критик і перекладач Пантелеймона Куліша німецькою мовою [Ivan Franko as Critic and Translator of Panteleimon Kulish into German]. Včeni zapysky Tavrijsʹkoho nacionalʹnoho universytetu imeni V. I. Vernadsʹkoho. Serija: Filolohija. Socialʹni komunikaciji. 2019. Vol. 30 (69) Nr. 3/ Part 2. P. 53–59.
Born 1992 in Lviv. During 1999–2009 she studied at the Vasyl-Symonenko-Gymnasium and received a certificate with honours.
2009–2014 – study at the Faculty of Foreign Languages of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (German-Ukrainian translation)
2014–2017 – Postgraduate studies at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, speciality 10.02.16 – Translation Studies. Thesis topic: “The German-speaking Heritage of Ivan Franko: Theory, Criticism and Practice of Translation.”
Since September 2014 – Lecturer of the Department of Intercultural Communication and Translation of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
Participated in international conferences, seminars and training courses in Ukraine (Truskavets (2014), Lviv (2014, 2015, 2016, 2018), Chernivtsi (2016, 2017), Ivano-Frankivsk (2019), Kyiv (2019)) and abroad (Wroclaw (2015), Fribourg (2017), Leipzig / Dresden / Bautzen (2019), Vienna (2019)). Guest speaker on language policy in Ukraine at the University of Bayreuth (2018, 2019).
Oksana Molderf is a team member by the project “Learnopolis”, which is a joint project of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and the University of Bayreuth (Germany). It is supported by German Academic Exchange Service as part of the program “Support of Internationalization of Ukrainian Universities – Shape Digital Future Together: German-Ukrainian University Cooperation” and funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The object of the project is the digital transformation and internationalization of the system of higher education in Ukraine and its better connection to the European structures. More about the project: https://learnopolis.net/
- Winner of the All-Ukrainian student competition in the speciality “Translation” (2nd price)
- Prizewinner of the Rotary Club Mödling 2014 in Science and Culture (3rd price)
- Fellowship of the President of Ukraine
- Commendation “For a significant contribution to the development of international cooperation of the Lviv region” from the Head of the Lviv Regional State Administration (2018)