Olena Znas'
Position: Lecturer, Foreign Languages for the Humanities Department
Phone (office): (032) 239-41-76
Selected publications
1992 – “Contrast as a linguostylistic means in the novels of Y.W. Goete.” (in “Problems of text linguistics and linguomethodology”).
1999 – article “Linguistic means of contrast expression in the novels of Y.W. Goete” (in “Foreign Philology” published in L’viv University).
2002 – a chapter “Contrastive discourse in the language of literature” in a collective monograph “Discourse of foreign communication”.
2003 – “The role of conjunctions in creating of contrastive discourse” (on the material of novels of Y.W. Goete)
Lecturer of Department of Foreign Languages for Humanities of L’viv National Ivan Franko University (since 1982).
In 1975 graduated from Kyiv StateTaras ShevchenkoU niversity. 1975 – 1976 – a teacher of German of Rivne Pedagogical Insitute after Dz. Manuilsky. 1976 – 1979 – a teacher of German of Foreign Languages Department of L’viv Institute of Physical Training, 1979 – 1982 – of L’viv Polytechnical Institute.
A participant of Regional Linguistic Seminar headed by Professor Kus’ko K.Y.