Olvia Vysotska

Research interests

The scientific interests embrace the researches into the discourse analysis of text, psycholinguistics, methods of teaching foreign languages, the development of the English Dictionary of the psychology of new type.

Olvia Vysotska is the author of experimental educational program of gradual teaching of foreign language at the Philosophical Faculty (for students majoring in Psychology) for both day time and extramural students. The program is on the teaching curriculum and consists a part of State supported scientific project.

Selected publications

 The author of 40 scientific works (articles, translations, methodological manuals, etc).

• Psychology Of the “Stream of Consciousness”  In English Prose Of the Beginning Of the XXth Century. – Article. Zaporizhzhya, 2002.
• The Place Of Psycholinguistics And Neuropsycholinguistics In Discourse Studies (Pragmatic Correlations). – Kyiv, 2003.
• The Importance Of Psycholinguistic Category Of Motivation For Multilingualism In Europe. – Alushta, 2003.
• The Creation Of Natural Speech Situations Using Oral Method In Learning Foreign Languages In Institute. – Vinnytsya, 2003.
• Psychology Of Teaching Process Of Foreign Languages In Institute: Discourse Speculations. – A part of collective monograph “Discourse Of Foreign Language Communication”. – Lviv, 2002.


In 1978 graduated the University, the Dpt. of English Philology.
 Engineer-referent of Lviv Branch of ITP of Academy of Science of Ukraine of the Western Regional Centre (headed by academician I.R.Yukhnovskyi).
 Principal Lecturer of English, German and French in the I. Trush CADA of Lviv (1981 – 1996).
 Lecturer of the Dpt. of Foreign Languages for the Humanities in the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (since 1996).

Teach practical classes to day time and extramural students of the Humanities.


Olvia Vysotska is a member of two international projects: “TEMPUS-Tacis” and “Lviv-Oregon Partnership”. She also takes part in TESOL conferences. The lecturer regularly reports on her scientific researches at University conferences as well as at the seminars carried out at the department.
