Greeting page

Lyubomyr Borakovskyi,

Associate Professor, Intercultural Communication and Translation Department,


Though as a separate administrative unit the Faculty of Foreign Languages was formed in 1950, foreign languages had long before been taught at Lviv University. In 1950, the Faculty consisted of six departments: English, German, French, Spanish, Classical Philology and the Department of World Literature which had formely constituted a part of the Philological Faculty. In 1959 the Department of Foreign Languages was formed to teach English and German to students of other faculties.

Symbols of the Faculty:

 herb1  herb2
Herb: divided shield; in the right-hand blue field the golden lion rises keeping golden candlestick with three lit silver candles in his right forepaw; the left-hand field is cut into five equal parts of the following colours: black, green, blue, red and golden with a silver tower in front.
The shield is embodied into decorative cartouche, on top of which there is an unfolded book with the date inscription: AD MCML (the year of 1950).
Under the shield there is a blue motto ribbon with the golden letters: POPULOS LINGUAE IUNGUNT.Gonfalon: a square cloth consisting of two vertical equal fields; the first blue one contains the University symbol; the second is cut into five equal parts of the following colours: black, green, blue, red and yellow with a white tower in front; the perimeter is striped in navy blue with the embroidered golden inscription: on top – «ФАКУЛЬТЕТ» (“FACULTY”), at the bottom – «ІНОЗЕМНИХ МОВ» (“OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES”).The three tails continue the square cloth (the middle blue one is longer than other two green ones), at the bottom of each of them a golden candlestick with three lit silver candles is embroidered.
The five coloured stripes are meant for the five continents (Africa, Australia, Europe, America and Asia).
The tower allegorically symbolizes the ancient Tower of the Babylon.