To improve the quality of training of specialists the Scientific Council of the Faculty developed new conceptual system of education levels. It involves reorientation of teaching foreign languages according to European standards through establishing educational programs and testing for the second and third languages. Students receive a certificate as the Diploma Supplement, which indicates the degree of Bachelor and Master. For the full realization of this concept, the departments of the faculty have developed new educational curricula for the second and the third languages. It gives the possibility for the graduates to implement their knowledge in a much wider range of future careers.
Train qualified specialists to help faculty postgraduate and doctorate. The graduates of the faculty are employed in the sphere of education, research institutions, in tourist centers, foreign offices in Ukraine, government institutions and businesses.
Form of a Cooperation Agreement (agreement – 40Kb)
List of institutions, which the cooperation agreements were signed with in 2015.1. LSSZSH number 28;2. SPC “Primary School “Sofia””;3. The V. Symonenko SPC of Lviv;4. Lviv Ukrainian Private School;5. Lviv specialized school number 15 with intensive study of English and French;6. Specialized school number 69;
7. SSZSH №37; 8. Classical Gymnasium at the Ivan Franko Lviv National University of Lviv; 9. Secondary school number 51 named after Ivan Franko; 10. Ltd. “Translation Center “Gallery of Languages”; 11. Translation agency “Polyglot”; 12. Ltd. “Mouzenidis Travel”; 13. Lviv specialized school with advanced study of number 8; 14. The V. Symonenko SPC of Lviv; 15. Lviv Academic Gymnasium. |
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