Lyudmyla Poplavska
Position: Lecturer, Foreign Languages for the Humanities Department
Phone (office): (032) 239-41-76
Research interests
methodology of teaching foreign languages; Introducing new technologies into EFL teaching
The author of more then 20 scientific publications (coursebook, articles, teaching materials).
Studied at the Faculty of Foreign Languages (1980) of Lviv State University named after I.Franko
An active member of the LNU – University of Oregon Partnership since 2000.
Visiting professor to the University of Oregon in 2002; completed an on-line distance education course Computer assisted Language course (CALL): “Incorporating Information Technology Resources in English Language” got certificate; attended Research Paper Writing Workshop taught by American English Institute, University of Oregon (2002, 2003).
Seminar in the Methodology of Teaching Foreign Languages, member since 1993. Regional Scientific Seminar in Text Linguistics /Discourse Linguistics, member sine 2001.