Faculty News

To Attention of the Entrants to the Faculty of Foreign Languages

06.07.2021 | 09:02

Dear entrants to the Faculty of Foreign Languages,
this Friday, July 9, at 5 pm, a regular meeting of the administration of the Faculty of Foreign Languages with entrants will take place.

To participate, you need to fill out a small form so that we can send a link to the ZOOM conference.

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Registration for Admission to Master’s Degree!

14.05.2021 | 11:10

Шановні студенти/-тки- випускники та усі бажаючі вступити на магістратуру на факультет іноземних мов!
Нагадуємо, що з 11 травня розпочалась реєстрація на ЄВІ - Єдиний вступний іспит із іноземної мови! Детальна інформація за посиланням:
Або на фейсбук:
Реєстрація триває до 3 червня, але не зволікайте до останнього дня - система перевантажена, брак часу і т.п. Використайте шанс та зареєструйтесь - перевірте свої знання! І, можливо, якщо Вас охоплюють ще сумніви щодо вступу, це і буде гарним поштовхом, аби їх розвіяти! Тож нехай щастить!

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Online lecture-tour of Sofronios Paradisopoulos

03.05.2021 | 19:17

As part of the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Greek National Liberation Revolution on April 22 at a joint meeting of the Department of Classical Philology and the Center for Greek Language and Culture named after Arseniy Elasonsky held an online lecture-tour of the historian - director of the Odessa branch of the Greek Cultural Foundation. "Φιλική εταιρία" (Society of Friends) by Mr. Sofronios Paradisopoulos on" Museum "Φιλική εταιρία" Greek Cultural Foundation in Odessa - a contribution to the promotion and preservation of common historical and cultural heritage".

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27.04.2021 | 15:21

The Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and the Department of Classical Philology of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv express their sincere condolences to the Head of the Department, Professor Bohdan Chernyukh on the death of his father Vasyl Ivanovych. The dearest person to You has passed away. It is difficult to find words of consolation when the heart of a person who is the most important in the life of each of us stops, but bright memories of Vasyl Ivanovych, who lived his life honestly and with dignity, leaving behind the fruits of his good deeds, will always be stronger than death. May God give you the strength to endure the heavy loss for You and Your family, we share the pain and sorrow. Eternal memory and the Kingdom of Heaven!

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