Faculty News


02.10.2020 | 16:56


According to the existing requirements, the successful defense of a master's thesis requires the presence of at least one publication on the research topic. We kindly ask you to submit theses on the topic of your diploma work in co-authorship with the supervisor to our scientific collection in Ukrainian by October 5 to the electronic address of the department.
Volume: two full pages Times New Roman, font 14, spacing 1.5, margins of 2 cm on all (four) pages, a list of five links at the end of the second page.
Publication is a necessary condition for admission of the thesis to the defense.

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International Conference of the Association of Ukrainian Germanists

29.09.2020 | 18:31

On September 25-26, 2020, the XXVII International Conference of the Association of Ukrainian Germanists was held on the basis of the Faculty of Foreign Languages. Faculty members took an active part in its organization. Recordings of the main events of the conference can be viewed at the following link:


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Professor Roman Semenovych Pomirko passed away

07.09.2020 | 07:22

We are deeply saddened to announce that on September 6, 2020, Roman Semenovych Pomirko, Professor, Doctor of Philology, Academician of the Academy of Higher Education of Ukraine, Honored Professor of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, passed away.

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