Faculty News

LitTransformer – the international translation workshop

01.10.2019 | 17:17

LitTransformer, the international translation workshop held in Lviv ( July 8-18, 2019), aimed to encourage collaboration among translators representing various UNESCO Cities of Literature, as well as to presence the shaping power of translation in these city spaces.
Each participant brought along a short literary text in their native language and a draft translation of it in English. During the workshop, the translators collaborated in pairs, and across three languages: their two native languages, and English, the bridge language between them...

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Annual British Comparative Literature Association Postgraduate Conference

27.09.2019 | 09:10

Call for Papers
 ‘Radical Retellings: Fairy Tale, Myth, and Beyond’
Friday 29th November 2019
St. Edmund Hall, University of Oxford
Keynote lecture: 
‘High Mountains are a Feeling: Queering Ice and Snow’
Professor Diane Purkiss (Keble College, Oxford)
 Vladimir Nabokov once provocatively remarked that ‘great novels are great fairy tales… literature does not tell the truth but makes it up’. This year’s BCLA postgraduate conference takes this statement as its point of departure and aims to interrogate the influence, legacy, and enduring significance of fairy...

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