Faculty News

Easter Greetings

24.04.2019 | 12:48

Dear Staff of the Faculty of Foreign Languages!
Dear Students and Postgraduate Students!
I sincerely congratulate you on Easter!
May this great feast fill the hearts with bright feelings of hope and love,
give us all happiness and kindness!
Good luck to You in work and study, the consent of the Family, peace in our State!
Christ is Risen!
On behalf of the administration of the Faculty of Foreign Language
Volodymyr Sulym

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International Students’ Conference

18.04.2019 | 08:27

April 19 - 20, the International Students' Conference "TOPICAL QUESTIONS OF LINGUISTICS, WORLD LITERATURE AND ARTISTIC TRANSLATION" will take place at the Faculty of Foreign Languages.

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Open Doors Day

13.04.2019 | 20:35

The Dean of the Department of Foreign Languages Volydymyr Sulym, Deputy Dean for International Cooperation Olha Ivaschyshyn, Deputy Dean for the teaching and methodical work of the Faculty of Philology I. Kmet and the heads of the departments had a meeting with the future entrants on April 13, 2019, in room 405. The event was held as part of the Open Doors Day of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. The event was attended by students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages Victoria Pika, Yuosyf Garayda, Ulyana Drogomyretska.

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Academic Title to the Professor

10.04.2019 | 14:46

The staff and students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages congratulate the Dean Volodymyr Sulym with the award of his academic title to the Professor!

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Arrival of French Magistrants

07.04.2019 | 20:26

The Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and the Department of French Philology welcomed 5 magistrants from France. All of them, future teachers of French as a foreign language, came to Lviv through the Alliance Française NGO initiative to spread French language and culture, conduct classes with students and exchange and acquire professional skills in teaching.

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