Faculty News

Scientific Journal of Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University of Drohobych

10.11.2016 | 08:29

Scientific Journal of Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University of Drohobych. Series: Philology (Linguistics). The Journal publishes the findings of scientific researches in the field of linguistics of universities and scientific institutions of Ukraine.
On-line application
Articles can be sent at: editor@ddpu-filolvisnyk.com.ua
Further information here : www.ddpu-filolvisnyk.com.ua

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Invitation to V Scientific Conference by Correspondence

07.11.2016 | 12:15

Invitation to V Scientific Conference by Correspondence “Scientific Results of 2016” + scientific international publication
Date: November 5, 2016, 23:41:11
Dear colleagues!
We offer you to:
1. Participate in V conference by correspondence “Scientific results of 2016”. Participation will enable you to: increase the number of citations of  publications; aprobate scientific research; summarize your research for 2016. Further information about the conference can be found here: http://sr.org.ua/uk/nauchnie-itogi-2016.html
2. Submit an article in the next issue of the bulletin “ScienceRise” (http://sr.org.ua/) or “EUREKA: Social and Humanities” (http://eu-jr.eu/social) (Tallinn, Estonia). Read more »

Congratulations to new scholars!

21.10.2016 | 21:59

Congratulations to assistants Solohub L. V . and Salamakha M. Y. with a scientific degree of candidate of philological sciences, as well as assistants Patiyevych O. V. and Semeryak I. Z. with a scientific degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences!

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