Faculty News

The play “The Merchant of Venice”

18.04.2015 | 09:18

23d April at 18.00 the First Night performance of "The Merchant of Venice" by William Shakespeare took place in the student club. The actors were students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages.

Project Manager: Victoriya Yaremchuk, PhD, Department of World Literature.

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Elections of the Head of the Student Council of the Faculty of Foreign Languages

17.04.2015 | 11:05

16. 04. 2015 at the Faculty of Foreign Languages a students’ conference took place. The event was attended by 33 students of the Faculty as well as the Deputy Dean Olga Ivaschyshyn, Deputy Head of the student government Oksana Pilz and the Head of the students’ TradeUnion Anna Gerich.
The following was discussed at the conference:
• the report on annual activit.Reporter: the Head of the Student Council of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​Stepan Lopukhin;
• election of a new Head of the Student...

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Students’ Scientific Seminar

16.03.2015 | 13:49

A students’ scientific seminar “Actual Problems of Modern German Literature” has been organized at the initiative of the lecturer of the International Union of German academic cooperation Dr. Michael Beck together with the Department of German Philology and the Department of Intercultural Communication and Translation   The workshop covers the following sections: narratology, poetry, drama,  the analysis stylistic figures, text interpretation, fiction studies.

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Doctoral Colloquium. October 6, 2015

16.03.2015 | 13:35

Ukraine  Doctoral colloquium of the universities of Ukraine, Poland, Austria and Germany will be held on October 6, 2015 within the Congress of the Union of Germanists. The program will be soon to come by.

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Regional Scientific Seminar (25 of February, 2015)

13.02.2015 | 16:44

Regional Scientific Seminar “Actual Problems of Semantics, Discourse Studies and Text Linguistics” will take place at the Department of Foreign Languages for Humanities.
Time: 25 of February 2015, 14.00.
Place: the Department of Foreign Languages for Humanities. 41, Doroshenko st., room 111.

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