Bohdan Maksymchuk

Position: Professor, German Philology Department

Scientific degree: Candidate of Philological Sciences

Academic status: Professor

Phone (office): (032) 239-47-67

Google Scholar profile:


Selected publications

Lehr- und Übungsbuch zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache. Lwiw, 2003.
Deutsche für Philologen. „Nova Knyha“, Vinnytsya, 2006.
Einführung in die Germanistik. Lwiw, 2011.
On the Evolution of Grammar Concept of Qualifying Words of German Language. – “Inozemna Philolohiya”, Lviv, 1997, N 110, pp. 25-35.
On Categorical Semantics of Qualifiers in Modern German Language. -“Inozemna Philolohiya”, Lviv, 1988, N 90, pp. 58-64.
Relation Between Grammar and Valence Peculiarities of Qualifier Within the Structure of Actual Sentences of Modern German Language. – “Inozemna Philolohiya”, Lviv, 1993, N 105, pp. 43-50.
Development of German Language Studies in Ukraine in Post War Period. -Materials of International Conference: “Deutsch – und Auslandsgermanistik: Geschichte – Stand – Ausblicke”, Warsaw, 1998, pp. 119-127.
Some Aspects of Development of Speech Competence of Students Learning German Language. – “Linguistic and Methodological Problems of Teaching Foreign Language”. (Materials of IVth International Scientific-Practical Conference). Poltava, pp. 186-190.
Maksymchuk B.V., Petrashchuk N.Y. History of German Language: Practical Course. — Lviv: Lvivskyi Universytet, 2003. — 279 pp.
Логічна валентність кваліфікативних слів та її роль у реалізації граматичного концепту частини мови. – Наукові записки Кіровоградського державного педагогічного університету ім. В.Винниченка, серія Філологічні науки, вип. 75 (2), 2008, с. 10 – 13.
Die ukrainische historische Germanistik in Forschung und Lehre. – Die Lemberger Germanistik in der Ukraine. Peter Lang. Frankfurt am Main, 2011. – S. 19 – 31.


Philologist, Specialist in German Linguistics.

1965 – graduated from Lviv Ivan Franko State University.

Since 1965 – lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages of the University.

Since 1968 – Vice Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages.

1971  –   1973  –   post  graduate  studies.   Under  the  supervision   of  Professor B.M.Zadorozhnyi defended the thesis for the Candidate of Philology titling: “Grammar Status of Elemantary Signs of the Type: “Gut” in Modern German Language” (1977). Since 1979 – Associate Professor of the Department of German Philology.

1980 – 1995 – Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages.

Since 1987 – Head of the Department of German Philology.

2002 – elected the Professor of Ukrainian Free University (Munich).

1990 – awarded the medal of “Honorary Sign”.

Was the Head of Scientific Council awarding scholarly degrees of Candidate of Philology, specialty: 10.02.04 – Germanic Languages. Was an opponent at

defenses of the thesis for the Candidate of Philology. Supervises scientific__

researches of post graduates. Lectures on theoretical’ courses on General German Philology and History of German Language.

Bohdan Maksymchuk is a celebrated scientist in the field of Germanic Studies, the author of more than 50 scientific researches, pertaining to the problems of parts of speech, in particular, categorical status of qualifying words in Modern German Language. He also investigates the questions of didactization of linguistic categories as one of important means of development of linguistic and speech competence of students. A number of scientific works is dedicated to the research of the history of Ukrainian Geranistics, in Lviv University, in particular. Bohdan Maksymchuk is a participant of international and All-Ukrainian congresses in Munich, Vienna, Warsaw, Kyiv, Donetsk, Poltava.

Co-organizer of congresses of Ukrainian and Bavarian germanists. Owing to his personal initiative the Department of German Philology actively cooperates with Ukrainian Free University (Munich), universities of Vienna, Freiberg and Oldenburg, Bukovyna Institute in Augsburg.
