Natalya Hrynya
Position: Associate Professor, Foreign Languages for the Humanities Department
Phone (office): (032) 239-47-16
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Research interests
discourse studies, stylistics, academic writing, teaching language with the help of computer technologies
Philologist, specialist in English language and literature, Associate Professor of Department of Foreign Languages for the Humanities of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
Graduated from the Faculty of Foreign Languages at Ivan Franko State University of L’viv (department of the English language and literature) (1994 – 1999).
Since 1999- an English teacher of Department of Foreign Languages for the Humanities of the Ivan Franko National University of L’viv.
2016 – maintaining of the Candidate thesis ”Linguopragmatic contrast features of modern English fictional discourse”.
2017 – Docent of Department of Foreign Languages for the Humanities of the Ivan Franko National University of L’viv.
Participated in the development of computer programs “TEMPUS – TACIS project” (2001-2002). A member of a group of teachers creating computer programs for teaching English. Uses the elements of distant teaching with students by correspondence and teaching with the help of computer technologies with first year students of Faculty of Law of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
A secretary of Regional scientific seminar on semantics, discourse studies and textlinquistics of Department of Foreign Languages for the Humanities , a member of international TESOL organization.