Faculty News

Online Lecture by Doctor of Historical Sciences Valeriy Tomazov

29.09.2021 | 21:53

At the initiative of the Center for Greek Language and Culture named after Arseniy Elasonskyi under the auspices of the Odessa Foundation of Greek Culture, an online lecture was held on September 29, 2021, which was read by the head of the sector of genealogical and heraldic research of the Institute of History of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Historical Sciences Valeriy Tomazov.

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To the Attention of Entrants to the Master’s Program for an Additional Session

27.09.2021 | 16:09

Dear entrants to the master's program for an additional session!

You can get acquainted with the results of passing the professional exam at the link:


Persons who are recommended for enrollment must submit the original documents to the dean's office of the Faculty of Foreign Languages by September 29, 2021, by 1 p.m.

Dean's Office of the Faculty of Foreign Languages

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Program of Events of the Student Scientific Conference (September 28 – 29)

23.09.2021 | 10:00

Head of the section - Associated Professor Olesya Tatarovska, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​for Research
Secretary of the section - student of the group INP - 43 ​​Iryna Galamay

Plenary Session - September 28, 10 a.m.

1. Welcoming speech by Acting Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages Associated Professor Lyubomyr Borakovskyi.
2. Report of Doctor of Philology, Professor, Professor of the Department of Applied Linguistics of Lesya Ukrayinka National University of Volyn Serhiy Zasyekin on the topic: "Online resources for translators and translation editors".
3. Start of work in sections, September 28, 11:00.
4. Summerising Meeting - September 29, 10 a.m. Reports of section heads. Results of the reporting scientific conference.

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