Faculty News

Meeting of the Academic Council

02.09.2021 | 18:15

August 30, 2021 in the auditorium. 405, the first meeting of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​took place this academic year. The meeting, which took place under the guise of a masked regime, was chaired by the Chairman of the Academic Council, Professor of the Department of Intercultural Communication and Translation Volodymyr Sulym. He congratulated everyone on the beginning of the school year and wished them successful and productive work.

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Meeting of the Scientific Seminar “Text. Culture. Society”

02.09.2021 | 17:22

Dear colleagues!
The meeting of the scientific seminar will take place on Wednesday, September 8 at 10 o’clock. Agenda:
– discussion of the dissertation work “English border terminology: structural-semantic, cognitive and functional aspects” Yankovets Elena Vladimirovna (supervisor Prof. Yesipenko NG)
Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Meeting of the scientific seminar “Text. Culture. Society”
Time: Sep 8, 2021 10:00 AM Helsinki
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 955 8926 8143
Passcode: 599880
One tap mobile
+ 13462487799,, 95589268143 #...

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Solemn Academy for First-Year Students

31.08.2021 | 18:37

Dear first-year students, parents, teachers and friends of the Faculty of Foreign Languages!

We remind you that in accordance with the Rector's order, changes have been made to hold a joint Solemn Academy for first-year students- it will take place in the Assembly Hall, which will involve only individual representatives from each faculty, here is the news:

https://lnu.edu.ua/informatsiia- shchodo-zmin-u-provedenni-urochystoi-akademii-z-nahody-pochatku-novoho-navchalnoho-roku /

Instead, the format of our meeting of first-year students with the dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and the teaching staff of the faculty remains unchanged: we start at 11.30 in the Assembly Hall of the Main Building. We invite all freshmen of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​to the event, not just some delegated persons.

Important - a mandatory mask mode for students and parents !!!

See you on September 1!

With sincere wishes,
Your dean's office

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