Faculty News

University Conference Dedicated to Olha Ohonovska

24.02.2018 | 16:02

On February 22, 2018, a University scientific conference was held at the Faculty of Foreign Languages of Ivan Franko National University in Lviv, the plenary session of which was dedicated to the bright memory of the Assistant Professor of the Department of English Philology Olha Ohonovska (03.05.1927 - 05.05.1989).

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University Conference

17.02.2018 | 09:42

On February 22, at 11.00 in room 405, a plenary meeting of the Reporting Conference dedicated to the outstanding Professor of our Department in 1955-1989 Olga Volodymyrivna Ohonovska will be held.
We kindly ask you to honor Olga Volodymyrivna with your presence.

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09.01.2018 | 13:42

МФО 820172
ЗКПО 02070987
Р/Р 31259230101061
Payment term: by the end of January 2018.

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Happy Holidays!

06.01.2018 | 10:59

Dear Teachers, Students  and Support Staff of the Faculty of Foreign Languages!
Happy Holidays!

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