Faculty News

Open Lecture by Professor Morska L. I.

14.05.2018 | 14:25

We invite you to attend an open lecture by Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages for Natural Sciences Morska L. I. on the topic: "Writing an Article Review", which will be held on Wednesday, May 16, 2018, at 15: 05-16: 25 in the auditorium 78 at the address: st. Doroshenko, 41.

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Shakespeare Days in Lviv

25.04.2018 | 15:11

The literary seminar "Space of Literature" of the Department of World Literature invites students and professors of  Ivan Franko National University of Lviv to participate in the scientific meetings of the seminar.

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Congratulations to Yaroslav Havrylyshyn On the Anniversary!

20.04.2018 | 08:22

The Faculty and Department of German Philology sincerely, cordially, with all my heart, congratulate Yaroslav Vasylyoevych on his 80th anniversary from the day of his birth and wish him abundance of luck, solid health, inspiration in the creativity for many and many years.

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