Faculty News

Presentation of the Center for English Academic Writing

26.05.2016 | 12:24

On May 25, 2016, the presentation of the Center for English Academic Writing took place on the new premises (r. 237, main building). The room has a library of teaching materials and technical facilities necessary for successful preparation for English B2 certificate exams.

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The Faculty Extends Gratitude on the Group “re.Creation Theatre”

22.05.2016 | 08:40

The Faculty thanks the "re.Creation Theatre", its supervisor, PhD Vickoriya Yaremchuk for creative staging of the play "A Streetcar Named Desire" by famous American playwright Tennessee Williams, which was first presented in the original language in Ukraine. The play is dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the birth of the artist, and took place on April 26, 2016 on the premises of the Students' Club of the University.

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The Day of Ukrainian Embroidery

20.05.2016 | 07:09

The staging of the play by Ukrainian playwright M. Staritskyi "Chasing Two Hares" by the "Acropolis" (students' theater of our Faculty) marked a symbolic beginning of the celebration of the Day Of Ukrainian Embroidery.

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Conference of Faculty Staff

13.05.2016 | 12:54

A conference of staff of the Faculty of Foreign Languages took place on May 12. Participants discussed issues that concerned the changes of the Academic Council of the Faculty. recommendations to head the Department of Intercultural Communication and Translation Prof. Alla Paslavska and the Department of German Philology Prof. Bohdan Maksymchuk, as well as the delegation of the Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​for Natural Sciences Natalya Mykytenko to the Academic Council of the University.

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