Faculty News

Summer Polish Language Course for Foreigners 2016

11.03.2016 | 14:43

We would like to invite all international students as well as international guest who would like to learn Polish Language for a three weeks long courseorganized by the University of Applied Sciences in Nysa (12.09 - 30.09.2016). For all participants we prepared a lot of many activities: grammar and vocabulary classes, practical classes, conversations, workshops, study visits and tours and additional events.
So the course will be a good occasion to not just to learn Polish language, but also meet Polish customs and traditions, take part in international workshops and Science Festival in Nysa and meet many international friends.

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Workshop for Teachers of German

27.02.2016 | 20:48

Association of Ukrainian Germanists held a workshop for teachers of German

On February 25-26, the Association of Ukrainian Germanists held training for teachers of German at the Faculty with the support of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of German.

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Two new Editions of the Department of French Philology have been published

22.02.2016 | 11:54

Two new editions of the department of French Philology has been published:
1. Román Pomirko, Oksana Kushnir, Ivanna Jomytska. GRAMÁTICA ESPAÑOLA EN EJERCICIOS. - Львів: Львівський національний університет ім. І. Франка, 2011. – 358 с. – 2-е видання, виправлене і доповнене.
2. Kushnir O., Mayevska О., Osyechko S. Lecturas graduadas (Niveles A2 / B1 / B2) = Читання різного рівня складності (A2 / B1 / B2). / O. Kushnir, O. Mayevska, S. Osyechko. – Львів : ЛНУ ім. Івана Франка, 2015.– 166 c.

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