Lyubov Oliynyk
Position: Lecturer, Classical Philology Department
Phone (office): (032) 239-41-38
Google Scholar profile:
Research interests
Lexico-Stylistic Peculiarities of Latin Scientific Prose (on the basis of “De Architectura” by Vitruvius)
Main trends in scientific and educational activity:
Lexical and Syncletic Peculiarities of Latin Scientific Prose.
Selected publications
- Terminology Microsystems Signifying Temples In the Treatise ByVitruvius“De Arhitectura” //Materiasl of the International Conference “Language. Culture. Common Understanding.” 1997. Lviv – Pp. 102-106.
- Architectural Terms in Latin Language (on the material of the treatise by Vitruvius) //“Inozemna Filolohiya” 1997. N. 110. Pp. 179-184.
- Manual “Greek Language” for the students of the 1st course ofClassical Philology and Humanities. Practical part (2d edition) V. Maslyuk., L. Oliynyk. Lviv. 1999. – 95 p.
1978-1983 – student of the Foreign Languages Faculty of Lviv State University named after Ivan Franko
1984-1988 – laboratory assistant at the Department of German Philology
1988-1993 – Head of methodical cabinet of the foreign languages faculty
1993-1996 – graduate school
1996-2002 – assistant professor of classical philology