Department of Classical Philology

  • About the Department
  • Employees
  • Educational courses
  • Lecturers' schedule
  • Teaching materials
  • Research
  • Strategy
  • News






Video Presentation of the Department

International Cooperation

The Department of Classical Philology is one of the oldest in the L’viv University. The traditions of the speciality reach as far back as to the XVII century. The prime of its development falls on the first half of the XXth century. At that time the world’s famous scholars such as L. Tsviklinskiy, Y. Kovalskiy, R. Sinko, R. Hanshynets, Y. Manteyfel, Y. Kourylovytch, S. Vitkovskiy worked at the  Department. In the post-war period the Department was headed by the Professors of V. Pastoushchyn, M. Bilyk, Y. Didyk, Y. Kobiv, V. Maslyuk, R. Olenytch. From 1997 to 2002 the Associate Professor of R. Dombrovskyi was in the head of it. A very important role in the development of the Department during the pos-war period played Professor Y. Kobiv. He was the first editor of the republican scientific journal “Problems of the Classical Philology”, initiated a scientific school on antique languages researches’ grammar heritage studies. On the so-called “Lviv Period” (1953 – 1964), falls the the activity of the Professor of the international renown S. Luorye. His fundamental researches enriching world’s Classical Philology “Stable Words in the Function of the Predicate in the Indo-European Languages”, The Language and Culture in the Mycenaean Greece”, “The Fundamentals of the Greek Historical Phonetics” were published enriching the world’s Classical Philology.
Professor R. Olenytch explored the Antique Grammar Theory resulting in his monography “Priscian and Antique Grammar” published in 1973.

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The subject matter of Professor V. Maslyuk was the Antique Theory of Artistic Language and its influence on the Theory of Literature development in Ukraine in the first half of the XVIII century. In 1983 his monography “Latin Poetics and Rethorics of the First Half of theXVIII Century and Their Role in the Ukrainian Theory of Literature Development” was published. At the same time, Professor V. Maslyuk translated a good deal of works by Latin speaking Ukrainian authors of the period into Ukrainian.

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The staff of the Department also works on the preparing of the text books and manuals on Old Greek and Latin Languages as well as on Antique Literature. The translation belongs to one of the major scientific activities of the department. The whole school of artistic translation has long become a deeply rooted tradition. Its outstanding representatives are: Professors M. Bilyk, Y. Moushak, Y. Kobiv, V. Maslyuk, Y. Tsybko. For the fertile activity in the sphere Professors Y. Kobiv and A.Sodomora were awarded the Laureate Nominee of Ukrainian Union of Writers named after Maksym Ryl’skyi for Translation.
At present, the Department of Classical Philology comes to 2 Professors, 8 Associate Professors, 1 Senior Lecturer and 5 Lecturers. All of them conduct both seminars and practical classes on Old and Modern Greek Languages, have theoretical courses on Old Greek and Latin grammar, methods of teaching Latin, history of Old Greek and Roman Literatures, history of Antique Culture as well as other special courses.
There are post-graduate courses at the Department.
In 2000 the Centre of Greel Language and Culture named after Arseniy Elassonskyi was launched.

The Department of Classical Philology supportes scientific contacts with the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, with the Classical Philology Institute of Technical University of Dresden, the Embassy of Greece.

The department has a student scientific circle.

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The graduates of the Department of Classsical Philology receive the speciality of “Classical Philology, Lecturer of Old Greek and Latin Languages” together with the additional specislization of “Lecturer of English Language”.


ChairpersonBohdan ChernyukhChairperson
ProfessorAndriy SodomoraProfessor
Associate ProfessorMarkiyan DombrovskyiAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorRoman DombrovskyiAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorLina HlushchenkoAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorKhrystyna KuybidaAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorOlha NazarenkoAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorRoksolyana OlishchukAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorOlha PylypivAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorOleksiy SafronyakAssociate Professor
Senior LecturerNadiya RevakSenior Lecturer
LecturerMaryana MokrivskaLecturer
LecturerLyubov OliynykLecturer
LecturerNataliya PanchyshynLecturer
LecturerIryna RomanyukLecturer
LecturerAndriy SavulaLecturer
LecturerSvyatoslav ZubchenkoLecturer
Senior Department SecretaryMaryana MorozSenior Department Secretary
Postgraduate StudentNazar VashchyshynPostgraduate Student

1 year

2 year

3 year

4 year

5 year

Lecturers' schedule

Teaching materials

Methodical materials

  1. Teachers of the department prepared and issued such textbooks and manuals:
  2. Olenich, Latin. Lviv, 1993;
  3. Maslyuk Ancient literature. Reader. Ancient Greek poetry in Ukrainian translations and retellings. K., 1994;
  4. Olenich, B. Chernyukh. Latin for gymnasia. Lviv, 1994;
  5. Safronyak, B. Chernyukh. Latin primer Lviv, 1995;
  6. Olischuk Greek. Syntax. Lviv, 1996; V.Maslyuk Ancient Roman poetry in Ukrainian translations and recipe. Reader. Lviv, 2000;
  7. Myslovskaya Modern Latin Medical Terminology. Tutorial. Lviv, 2000;
  8. Revach. Latin for non-specialist departments. Lviv, 2002.
  9. Olischuk Lingua Latina. – Lviv, 2003.
  10. Olenich R.M, Chernukh B.V. Latin: Lviv, 2nd edition, supplemented, World, 2007
  11. Chernukh B.V. Historical grammar of the Latin language. Lviv: 2008
  12. Sodomor A.O., Dombrovsky M. B. Anno Domini. Latin inscriptions of Lviv: 2008
  13. Vatseba O.A., Oliynyk L.R. Lectura Latina: 2008
  14. Roman Elegy. Per. from lat. A.O. Sodomori: 2009
  15. Latin Language and Basis of Biological Terminology / Revak N., Sulim V., Nazarenko O. – Lviv: Circle, 2014 – 403 s .;
  16. Father’s hand / collected and edited by A. Sodomor. Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic, 2014 – 298 pp.
  17. Mesovskaya L.V., Pylypov O.G., Oliynyk L.R. The Latin Language and Fundamentals of Legal Terminology / L.V.Mislovskaya, O.G.Pylypiv, L. R. Oliynyk // The Handbook for Higher Educational Institutions of the III- IV accreditation. – Lviv, 2015 – 318 p.
  18. Greek epigram: translations / from Greek translated A. Sadomora // Bell. – No. 2-3. -2015- P. 129-144.
  19. Olishchuk R. L., Makar I. S. Ancient Greek. Textbook for students of the 1st year of classical philology and humanities faculties of higher educational institutions / R. L. Olishchuk, I. S. Makar. – Chernivtsi: Bukrek, 2015. – 454s.
  20. Safroniak O. Latin language: textbook / O. Safroniak, V. Voloshchuk, M. Voloshchuk. – Lviv: LNU named after Ivan Franko, 2015 – 458 pp.
  21. Zhovkivsky F. M., Zhovkivska G. A., Sulim V. T., Ivasyutin T. D., Makar Yu. I., Popesku IV, Safroniak O. V., Furdas M. G., Glushchenko L. M., Zorbas F., Druel I. S., Morano L. The wisdom of folk – wisdom international: Proverbs, sayings, winged phrases and linguistic translations in twelve languages ​​/ F. M. Zhovkivsky, G. A. Zhovkivska, V T. Sulim, T. D. Ivasyutin, Yu I. Makar, I. V. Popescu, O. V. Safronyak, M. G. Furdas, L. M. Glushchenko, A. Zorbas, I. S. Drule , L. Morano // tutorial. – Chernivtsi, 2016. – 348 p.
  22. Melina Mercury. I was born in greek. / Translation L.Gluschenko, M.Mokrivskaya, K.Parashchak.-Lviv: Chervona Kalina, 2016. – 255 s.



During recent years the scientific interests of the staff of the Department Classical Philology are focused on the following:
  • The History of the Antique Language Studies (O. Safronyak, N. Revak);
  • The Latin Wordbuilding (R. Dombrovskyi, L. Hlushchenko, R. Olishchuk, I. Romanyuk);
  • The Synonymy of the Adjectives in Old Greek and Latin Languages (L. Myslovska, O. Malynovska);
  • The Category of Number in Latin Language (O. Nazarenko);
  • The Problems of Lexicology in Old Greek and Latin Languages (M. Mokrivska, L. Oliynyk, O. Kurudz);
  • The Literature Process in Antiquity (A.Sodomora,M.Dombrovskyi);
  • The Problems of Contrastive-Historical Language Studies and the Syntax of a Verb (B.Chernyukh);
  • The Contrastive Analysis of Old and Modern Greek Languages (L.Hlushchenko, M.Mokrivska);
  • The Reception of the Antiquity in Ukrainian Literature (R. Dombrovskyi)


Scientific Conference of the Department of Classical Philology

02.02.2024 | 10:28

On February 1, 2024, a meeting of the subsection of Classical Philology was held as part of the Reporting Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, at which teachers and graduate students of the Department presented the results of their own scientific research.

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Defense of the Candidate’s Thesis: “Syntactic and Stylistic  Means of Argumentation in the “History” of Herodotus”

05.09.2023 | 20:10

The staff of the Faculty of Foreign Languages sincerely congratulates the instructor of the Department of Classical Philology Svyatoslav Zubchenko and the research supervisor of Associate Professor Lina Glushchenko on the successful defense of his candidate’s thesis on the topic “Syntactic and Stylistic Means of Argumentation in the “History” of Herodotus”.

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Seminar “Indo-European Linguistics: a Science Almost Unknown in Greece”

30.03.2023 | 19:40

On March 30, 2023, at 7:00 p.m., an international scientific seminar on the topic: “Indo-European linguistics: a science almost unknown in Greece” was held at the Institute of Historical Linguistics of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Professor G. Papanastasiou delivered the main speech. Teachers of the Department of Classical Philology took part in the discussion of the report: Prof. Chernyukh B.V., assistant professors Glushchenko L.M., Kuybida H.I., assistant M. T. Mokrivska, who in their speeches touched on the current state...

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