Nataliya Panchyshyn

Position: Lecturer, Classical Philology Department

Phone (office): (032) 239-41-38


Google Scholar profile:

Research interests

Functional grammar,the exploration of temporality based on Latin 



  • Pancyshyn N.Z. Syntactic means of expressing temporality in Latin (complex sentences) / N.Z.Pancyshyn // Scientific notes. Series: Philological Sciences (Linguistics). – Vip. 89 (4). – Kirovograd, 2010. – p.257-261
  • Pancyshyn N.Z. Latin nouns on the designation of time / N.Z.Pancyshyn // New Philology. – No. 37.- Zaporozhye: Zaporizhzhya National University, 2010. – p.191-196
  • Pancyshyn N.Z. Proprietor of Constructions with Temporal Semantics in Classical Latin /N.Z.Panchishin // Scientific Journal of the Volyn National University named after Lesya Ukrainka. Series: Philological Sciences. Linguistics. – vip.7 – Lutsk, 2010. – p.46-50
  • Pancyshyn N.Z. Adjectives with time semantics in the Latin language / N.Z.Pancyshyn // Bulletin of the Kharkov National University. Series: Philology. – Vo.60. – Kharkiv, 2010. – P.592 -597
  • Pancyshyn N.Z. Adjective temporality in the Latin language / N.Z.Pancyshyn // Studia Linguistica. – Vol.V (II). – K., 2011. – p.125-132;
  • Pancyshyn N.Z. Functional and combinatorial properties of nouns with time value / N.Z.Pancyshyn // Classical philology in the XXI century: achievements and perspectives. Materials of All-Ukrainian scientific readings devoted to the 90th anniversary of Professor of the Department of Classical Philology Vitaliy Petlirovich Maslyuk (Lviv, May 28, 2010). – Lviv: Publishing Center of LNU them. I.Franka, 2011. – P. 59-61
  • Pancyshyn N.Z. Lexical-semantic means of expressing temporality in the Latin language / N.Z.Panchishin // Scientific notes of the national university “Ostroh Academy”. Series Philological: a collection of scientific works. – Ostrog: View. National University of Ostroh Academy, 2015.- Pp. 56.- P.229-232
  • Pancyshyn N.Z. Latin temporal adjectives: signs and functioning / N.Z.Pancyshyn // Scientific and practical journal “Odessa linguistic herald.” – Odesa: View. House “Helvetica”, 2016.- Vip.7.- P.138-142
  • Pancyshyn N.Z. Structural organization of the functional semantic field of temporality (based on the Latin language) /N.Z.Panchishin // Scientific herald of the Kherson State University. Series “Translation Studies and Intercultural Communication” .- Kherson: View. House “Helvetica”, 2016.- Vip.4.- P.93-97
  • Pancyshyn N.Z. Heron of Alexandria /N.Z.Pancishin // Lexical of ancient literature / ed. M. Boretskogo, V. Zvaricha-Drohobych: Circle, 2014.-P.159-160
  • Pancyshyn N.Z. Cleomed /N.Z.Panchishin // Lexicon of the Ancient Literature / under the editorship of M.Boretsky, V.Zvarich.-Drohobych: Circle, 2014.-S.325-326
  • Pancyshyn N.Z. Megasfen /N.Z.Panchishin // Lexicon of the Ancient Literature / under the editorship of M. Boretskogo, V. Zvaricha-Drohobych: Circle, 2014.-С.397
  • Pancyshyn N.Z. Seren Sammonik, Kvint /N.Z.Pancishin // Lexicon of the Ancient Literature / under the editorship of M. Boretskogo, V. Zvaricha-Drohobych: Circle, 2014.-p.539-540
  • Pancyshyn N.Z. Flava Gnei / N.Z.Panchishyn // Lexicon of the Ancient Literature / for M. B. Boretsky, V. Zvarich’s.-Drohobych: Circle, 2014.-P.615-617
  • Pancyshyn N.Z. Julian, Salvia /N.Z.Pancishin // Lexicon of the Ancient Literature / under the editors M. B. Boretsky, V. Zvarich.-Drohobych: Circle, 2014.-p.656
  • Punchyshyn N.Z.Temporal complex sentences with significance of non-simultaneously in the Latin language /N.Z.Panchishin // Modern trends in the development of education and science: problems and perspectives / / Collection of scientific works. – Lviv – Kielce, 2017. – Vip. 1. -S.341-345
  • Pancyshyn N.Z. The typology of taxonomy in the Latin language /N.Z.Panchishin // Scientific-production journal “State and Regions”. Series: Humanities .- Zaporozhye: Classic Private University, 2018.- Vip.1 (52) .- P. 89-94 (ISSN1813-341X)
  • Panshyshyn N.Z. Organization of subcontracted temporal sentences as a taxis form (on the basis of Latin texts) Topical issues of the humanities: an inter-university collection of scientific works of young scientists of Drohobych State Pedagogical University named after Ivan Franchyk.Ed “Helvetyka”,V . 25. – P.109-117 (Index Copernicus)
  • Panchyshyn N.Z. Verbalization of the concept of “TIME” in the comedy of Titus Maktius Plautus “Amphitrion” / Panchyshyn N.Z. // Transcarpathian philological studies. – 2022. – Volume 1, Issue 22 – P. 154-159. (Index Copernicus
  • Panchyshyn N.Z. Participium as a form of taxis / N.Z. Panchyshyn // Scientific notes of the International Humanitarian University: [collection] – Odesa: Publishing house “Helvetica”, 2020. – Issue 33. – P. 73-77. (Index Copernicus).
  • Panchyshyn N.Z. Noun phrases from “DIES” on the material of comedies of Titus Maccus Plautus / N.Z. Panchyshyn // Bulletin of Zaporizhzhia National University: Collection of scientific works. Philological sciences. Zaporizhzhia: Helvetica Publishing House, 2020. – No. 2. – P.114-119 (Index Copernicus)
  • Panchyshyn N.Z. Verbalisation of the concept of “TIME” in the comedy “Amphitryon” by Titus Maccius Plautus / Panchyshyn N.Z. // Transcarpathian Philological Studies. – 2022. – Vol. 1, Issue 22 – P. 154-159.(Index Copernicus)
  • Panchyshyn N.Z. The antonymic pair DAY-NIGHT in Latin / N.Z. Panchyshyn // Voices and Echoes of Antiquity. Donum natalicium Andreae Sodomorae: materials of the All-Ukrainian scientific conference dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Professor Andriy Sodomora (Lviv, 16 December 2022): Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2023. С. 130-139


    1) Panchyshyn N.Z.. Latin language and basics of biological terminology (for professional purposes) [Electronic resource]: e-learning course / N.Z. Panchyshyn, N.H. Revak; e-course management system of the SHEI “Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.” – Access mode:

    2) Panchyshyn N.Z. Latin language (English language and literature. English translation.) [Electronic resource]: e-learning course / N.Z. Panchyshyn; e-course management system of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv – Access mode:

  • 3) Panchyshyn N.Z. Latin language for students of the Faculty of Philology [Electronic resource]: e-learning course / N.Z. Panchyshyn, N.H. Revak; e-learning course management system of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv – Access mode:


2000-2005- a student of the foreign language faculty, the classical philology department

 2005 – a lecturer of the classical philology department
