Svitlana Matsenka
Position: Associate Professor, Intercultural Communication and Translation Department, Associate Professor, German Philology Department
Scientific degree: Candidate of Philological Sciences
Academic status: Associate Professor
Phone (office): (032) 239-47-67
Research interests
synthesis of literature and music, cronotype in literature, literature for women, myth in literature, problems of narratology.
Selected publications
- Dialogue of Narration in “Images of Childhood” by К. Wolf //Problems of Study of Literature. Chernivtsi, 1998, N 5 (62). – Pp. 68-75.
- Zeitlich-räumlicher Ausdruck der Synthese von der Literatur und Musik im Schaffen von H. Broch. Trans Internet – Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften, № 6, September 1998, Pp. 1-6:
- “The Myth Without a Myth” (based on the novel by К. Wolf “Medias” //Problems of Study of Literature. Chernivtsi, 2002, N 8 (65). – Pp. 53-60.
- Modality of Musical Time in Fiction //Antiquity and Modern Times (Philological Problems). Scientific Collection. Donetsk, 2001, N 2. – Pp. 12-16.
Specialist in study of literature, Associate Professor, Candidate of Philology.
1984 – 1989 – studied in the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Department of German Philology)and at the post graduate student of the Department of World Literature.
Since 1989 – lecturer of the Department of World Literature (laborant, Junior Lecturer, post graduate student, lecturer, Associate Professor).
1995 – defended the thesis for the Candidate of Philology: “Artistic Solution of the Problem “Human – History”in th Novel by К. Wolf “Images of Childhood”.
2003 – Associate Professor of the Department of World Literature.
Read courses on the History of World Literature of Middle Ages, The Renaissance, XVII с., ХХ с., History of German Literature from Middle Ages till Modern Times. Developed the theoretical course “Main Concepts and Schools in Study of Literature of the ХХth Century.” Research the typology of Modern Austrian Novel.