Faculty News

Guests from Germany

31.05.2018 | 23:02

From May 22 to 24, 2018, teachers from different German schools in the federal state Baden-Württemberg were visiting Lviv and Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. The trip was organized by the Haus der Heimat training center (Stuttgart).

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Schedule of Examination Commissions

30.05.2018 | 09:25

State Exams for Graduates 2017-2018 р. (Bachelors, Part-Time Education)

State Examinations and Defense of Master's Theses for Graduates 2017-2018 (Bachelors and Masters, Full-Time Education)

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Benjamin Bekner Visited the Faculty

18.05.2018 | 12:19

On May 4, 2018, an interesting meeting with students of the Department of French Philology took place at the Faculty of Foreign Languages. Benjamin Bekner, President of the Association Français Sans Frontières, loyal and dedicated supporter of the French language and culture has come to us for the first time.

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