Bohdan Chernyukh
Position: Chairperson, Classical Philology Department, Professor, French and Spanish Philologies Department
Scientific degree: Doctor of Philological Sciences
Academic status: Professor
Phone (office): (032) 239-41-38
Google Scholar profile:
The Latin Verb: Aspect and Actionality. Lviv. 2017.
1. The Latin Language. L’viv. 1994 (in the co-authorship)
2. 7. The Latin ABC-Book.L’viv. 1995 (in the co-authorship).
3.The Latin Language. L’viv. 2008 (2 nd edition) (in the co-authorship).
4. Historical Latin Grammar. L’viv. 2008.
1. The Notion and Terms of the Category of Tense in the Writings by Roman Grammarians // Foreign Philology. – 1990. – Vol. 99: Problems of Classical Philology, № 25. – Pp. 72-78.
2. Aoristic Imperfect in Latin Language of the I – II AD. UkrINTEI 14. 12. 1992 – № 1942 – Uk 92.
3. To the Question on the Polysemy of the Presence Indicative in Latin Language. UkrINTEI 14. 12. 1992 – № 1943 – Uk 92.
4. The Categories of Aspect and Tense in the Verbal System of Latin Language of the I – II AD. The Review of the Dissertation for the Candidate of Philology. – L’viv, 1993.
5. The “Apology” by Mykhaylo Malynovskyi /Translation from Latin// Documents of International Taras Shevchenko Scientific Association. – 1993. – V.125.- P. 383 – 391 (in the co-authorship)
6. The Modal Semantics Of the Forms of the Indicative in Latin Language // Foreign Philology. – 1995. – Vol. 108. – Pp. 127- 134.
7. Perfectum Indicativi in Latin Language //Annual Papers in Classical and Romance Philology. – Vol. 2. – Odessa, 1995. – Pp. 14 – 22.
8. The Derivation and Semantics of the Future II in Latin Language // The International Scientific Conference to 100 Anniversary of Y. R. Kourylovych. Sketches of the Report. – L’viv, 1995. – Pp. 63 – 64.
9. The Latin Verb and the Category of Aspect // The International Scientific Conference Commemorating Professor A. O. Biletskyi “Actual Problems of Modern Philology”. Sketches of the Report. – К., 1966. – P. 103.
10. Greek Loans in Roman Poetry of the Classical Period // All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference “Advanced Linguistic Concepts of the End of the XXth century”. Sketches of the Report. – L’viv, 1996. – P. 259.
11. The Secondary Verbs in -sco in Latin Language // The Problems of the Semantic Description of Lexical and Speech Units. Materials of the Reports at the International Scientific Conference. – Part 1. – Minsk, 1998. – Pp. 186 – 188.
12. The Verbal Aspect in Ukrainian and Latin Languages // The Problems of Contrastive Semantics. – К., 1999. – Pp. 273 – 277.
13. The Categories of Aspect and Tense in the Indo-European Verbal System // Foreign Philology. – Vol. 112. – 2001. – Pp. 68 – 71.
14. The Problems of the Latin Verbal Aspect in the Language Studies of the XXth Century // The Materials of the International Scientific Conference “The Scientific Heritage of Professor S. V. Semchynskyi and Modern Philology”. – Part. 2. – К., 2001. – P. 172 – 175.
15. Semantics of Aspect and Reference Point; the opposition “infectum/perfectum” in Latin//Visnyk Lvivskoho universytetu. Series “Inozemni movy”.Vol. 10. 2002. P. 249-256.
16. Aspectuality in Latin Language: history and perspectives of research.// Visnyk Lvivskoho universytetu. Series “Inozemni movy”.Vol. 12. 2005. P. 239-247.
17. The Development of Semantics of Futurum II in the Early Latin//Visnyk Lvivskoho universytetu. Series “Inozemni movy”.Vol. 13. 2006. P. 171-175.
18. Indo-European Suffix -ske/o- and its Realization in Latin//Movni i konceptualni kartyny svitu [Linguistic and conceptual pictures of the world]. 2007. Vol. 21/3.P. 257-261.
19. Verbal Prefixation in Early Latin: Prefix per- // Modern problems of linguistic research and methodology of foreign language teaching for special purpose in high school. Lviv. 2007. P. 196–198.
20. Gebrauch und Funktion der Erzähltempora im frühmittelälterlichen Latein // Limbaje şi comunicare IX. Evoluţia şi functionarea limbii – perspective normative în noul context European. Partea I. Suceava, 2007. Р. 308–314.
21. Verbal Aspect and Modality: Latin imperfectum // Visnyk Lvivskoho universytetu. Series “Inozemni movy”.Vol. 15. 2008. P. 267 – 273;
22. Expression of Verbal Plurality in Latin // Scientific Papers. Series: Philological Sciences (Linguistics). 2008. Vol. 75 (4). Kirovohrad. P. 116–119.
23. The Role of Aspectual Opposition in Narrative Context // Mova i kultura [Language and Culture]. 2008. Issue. 10. Vol. III (103). Kyiv. P. 126–132.
24. Aspect and Text Structure // «Od slova put’ verstayuchy do slova…». In Honour of R. P. Zorivchak. Lviv. 2008. P. 670–680.
25. Means of Expressing of Inkohativity in Latin // Scientific Papers. Series: Philological Sciences (Linguistics). 2009. Vol. 81 (1). Kirovohrad. P. 37–41.
26. The Latin Perfect: рerfectum or рraeteritum рerfectum // Nova filolohiia [New Philology]. 2009. Issue 35. P. 170–175.
27. Semantics and Pragmatics of Narrative Tenses in Late Latin // Linhvistychni studii [Linguistic Studies]. 2009. Issue 19. Donetsk. P. 54–58.
28. Aspectual Semantics of Predicate in Temporal Clause; Clauses with dum, donec, quoad // Inozemna filolohiia {Foreign Philology]. 2010. Issue. 122. P. 86 – 92.
29. The Category of Intensity and Latin Verb //Nova filolohiia[New Philology]. 2010. Issue. 38. P. 222–228.
30. Concepts-Primitives and Aspectuality in Latin // Visnyk Kharkivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni V. N. Karazina. Series: Filolohiia. 2010. № 910. Issue. 60/1. P. 125–129.
31. Semantics and Pragmatics of Narrative Tenses in Latin Poetry (Ovid “Metamorphoses, 2, 1-324) // Visnyk Kharkivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni V. N. Karazina. Series: Filolohiia. 2010. № 901. Issue. 59. P. 36–39.
32. Principle of Organization of Functional-Semantic Field of Aspectuality in Latin // Linguistic and Methodological Problems of Foreign Language Teaching. Poltava. 2010. P. 523–525.
33. Actionality and Verbal Prefixation: Prefix con- // Naukovy visnyk Chernivetskoho universytetu; Zbirnyk naukovykh prac’. 2011. Issue 565. Romance and Slavonic Discourse P. 147–150.
34. The Actional Parametrs of Latin Verb: Verbal Character// In Honour of Professor Bohdan Vasylovych Maxymchuk. L’viv. 2011. P. 257–265.
35. Іnfinitivus perfecti in Latin Language: semantical and functional peculiarities // Studia linguistica. 2011. Issue 5/2. P. 3–9.
36. Resultativity and its Expression in Latin // Actual Problems of Linguistics and Linguodidctics
in the Light of Modern Approaches. Комрат. 2011. P. 105–109
37. Aspectual Conflict in Latin // Prystrast’ nauky. Lviv. 2012. P. 179–188.
38. Suprapreteritality and Latin Plusquamperfectum // Non progredi est regredi. In Honour of Paslavska Alla Yosypivna. L’viv. 2013. P. 296–308.
39. Verbal Plurality in Late Latin: frequentative-intensive Verbs (on Ammianus Marcellinus’ “Roman History”)// Gregore Bostan – 75. Actual Problems of Romanian Philology. Chernivtsi. 2015. P. 549–558.
40. Durativity and Aspectual Semantics (in Latin and (Ancient) Greek) // Zolotaia strofa [Golden strophe]. 2014. Issue. 4. Krasnodar. P. 113–114.
41. Two Verbs with Semantics of limitativity: finire vs terminare // Indo-European Linguistics and Classical Philology — XXI. Sankt-Petersburg, 2017. P. 850–861
42. Functional-semantic Field of Limitativity in Latin Language // Universum: Philology and Art. 2017. № 4(38). URL:
43. Verba perfecta in typologischer Hinsicht // Studia Europaea Gnesnensia. 2017. Vol. 15. P. 299–305
44. The Perfect and Semantics of Perfectivity in Latin // Meridian Critic.2017. Vol. 28. N 1. P. 245-251.
45. Latin of “Vita Haimhrammi” by Aribo from Freising // Indo-European Linguistics and Classical Philology — XXII. Sankt-Petersburg, 2018. P. 1343–1354.
46.Vita Corbiniani episcopi Baiuvariorum: a linguistical approach // Docendo discimus. In honour of Sulym Volodymyr Trokhymovych. L’viv. 2018. P. 338 – 350.
47. Suavis und dulcis bei Aurelius Augustinus // Graeco-Latina Brunensia. 2018. Vol. 23. № 2. Р. 77-94.
48. Funktsionalno-semantychne subpole prospektyvnosti v latynskiy movi [The functional-semantic subfileld of prospectivity in Latin] // Naukovyy Visnyk Drohobytskoho derzhavnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu imeni Ivana Franka. Seriya “Filolohiochni nauky” (Movoznavstvo).-2018.-N 10.-P. 153-156.
49. Prykmetnyky dulcis ta amarus u tvorakh Verhiliya [ Adjectives dulcis and amarus in Vergil’s works]//Naukovyy visnyk Khersonskoho derzhavnoho universytetu. Seriya “Linhvistyka”.-2018. -N 34.-T.2.-P. 98-102.
50.Aspektualna semantyka nezalezhnoho konyunktyva v latynskiy movi [Aspectual semantics of independent subjunctive in Latin]// Visnyk Kharkivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu im. V. N. Karazina. Seriya “Filolohiya”.-2018.-N 79.-P. 181-187.
51. Between the Beginning and the End: on Intrateminality in Latin // Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Filologiya.-2019.-N 59.-P. 141-154.
52. Indirekte Evidentialität in der lateinischen erzählenden Prosa des I-II Jhdt// Graeco-Latina Brunensia. 2019, Vol. 24/2, P. 33-52.
1. Baldi Ph. The Foundations of Latin, Berlin; New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 2002 // DO-SO-MO. Fascicula Mycenologica et Classica Polona. 2008 (200v latynskiy9). N 7. P. 189–196.
2. Cooley Alison E., The Cambridge Manual of Latin Epigraphy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012// Eos. Commentarii societatis philologae Polonorum.Vol. CI, Fasc. 1. P. 128-129
Bohdan Vasylyovych Chernyukh was born on the 24th of June, 1965 in L’viv. In 1987 he graduated from the Faculty of Foreign Languages of the Ivan Franko L’viv National University. During 1987 – 1990 he worked as a laborant of the Department of Classical Philology, for the period from 1990 tо 1992 B. Chernyukh underwent the post-graduate courses at the Department. Since 1992 he worked as a Lecturer and then as an Associate Professor of the Department of Classical Philology. Since 2002 has been the Head of the Department.
The thesis for the Candidate of Philology “The Categories of Aspect and Tense in the Verbal System of Latin of I – II AD” was defended in 1994 in the Ivan Franko L’viv National University. The sphere of the scientific interests lays in the research into the problems of grammatical semantics of Classical languages and contrastive Indo-European Languages studies. The thesis for the Doctor of Philology “Functional Semantics of Aspectuality in Latin Language” was defended in 2018 in the Taras Shevchenko National University in Kyiv.