Літні курси польської мови для іноземців
We would like to invite all international students as well as international guest who would like to learn Polish Language for a three weeks long courseorganized by the University of Applied Sciences in Nysa (12.09 – 30.09.2016). For all participants we prepared a lot of many activities: grammar and vocabulary classes, practical classes, conversations, workshops, study visits and tours and additional events.
So the course will be a good occasion to not just to learn Polish language, but also meet Polish customs and traditions, take part in international workshops and Science Festival in Nysa and meet many international friends.
For sure it will be helpful for all Erasmus students who are going to spend one or two semesters in Poland or people who would like to learn Polish language and spend three wonderful weeks in Poland and Nysa.
Main course (price: 840 PLN ~ 200 Euro) includes:
- Classes – 42 hours (grammar, vocabulary, reading, practical classes and conversations)
- Workshops
- Extra activities – guided tour in Nysa, study tour to Kotlina Kłodzka, integration meeting
- Science Festival in Nysa
- Meeting with polish customs, culture, traditions and with culture of participants countries
- Special coursebook for every participant Polish, not as bad as its painted
- All other materials, information packed
- Accommodation for students
Extra module (price: 420 PLN ~ 100 Euro) includes:
Extra classes – 18 hours (practical classes, conversations and language workshops)
Extra study tour to the Czech Republic
Possibility of individual conversations
Be sure that we will do all our best to make it wonderful, full of new experiences, advantages and great fun. Don’t waste it. We are sure that you will fall in love with Nysa and Poland.
If you have any question please don’t hesitate to contact us.
International Cooperation Office