Аспірантура на факультеті WELS (Великобританія)
Based in Milton Keynes, UK
The Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies (WELS) is offering full-time funded PhD studentships for an October 2019 start.
The PhD programme is located in an environment that supports world-leading quality research. In the latest Research Excellence Framework (REF 2014) the UK government endorsed our research as overwhelmingly world-leading and internationally excellent, with significant and wide-reaching impact. Research takes place across the three Schools of WELS and the Institute of Educational Technology.
Research is conducted in the following areas which adopt innovative methodological approaches:
- Children, Young People & Families
- Educational Technology
- Health, Wellbeing and Social care
- Language and Literacies
- Transformative Education
What unites our research approach is a strong commitment to interdisciplinarity and a social justice ethos. Our research enables communities and individuals to thrive in an increasingly demanding and unequal world. We have the flexibility to support truly interdisciplinary and innovative research that makes a difference to people’s lives. We strongly encourage you to look at our research web pages http://wels.open.ac.uk/research andhttps://iet.open.ac.uk/research to see that we provide the right combination of substantive expertise and methodological experience to support your doctoral research proposal.
Our large, international group of PhD students are an essential part of our research community. If you feel you have the drive and intellectual curiosity to pursue postgraduate research as part of that community and you have a great idea for a doctoral study, then we want to hear from you! We welcome proposals for interdisciplinary research within or across all of the areas outlined above.
Funding is available for UK, EU and international students. Fully funded PhD studentships will include fees and maintenance for three years, depending on satisfactory progress. Anticipated stipend for 2019-20 is £14777.
Closing date: Monday 4th March 2019.
Interviews will commence late March – April 2019.
For detailed information and how to apply for the studentships go to www3.open.ac.uk/employment, or e-mail wels-student-enquiries@open.ac.uk
We promote diversity in employment and welcome applications from all sections of the community.