Літня конференція Норвезького форуму з англійської мови для академічних цілей
NFEAP 2019 – Articulations
Second Call for Papers
We are pleased to announce the 13th annual Norwegian Forum for English for Academic Purposes summer conference, which will take place on Thursday the 6th and Friday the 7th of June 2019 at Oslo Metropolitan University in Oslo, Norway.
The theme for the 2019 conference is Articulations.
What obstacles are faced by learners and academics as they articulate ideas, or articulate themselves? What kinds of ideas, processes, things can be articulated in the context of higher education generally and within EAP specifically? What happens in the process of articulation, in the process of moving from or between abstract thoughts to written or spoken words? What qualifies as successful articulation, in speech or writing? NFEAP this year explores the conditions and consequences of articulation. We welcome work that discusses, for example, the articulation of ideas within texts or genres; the articulation of oneself or one’s research within a discipline; the processes by which learners come to by which learners come to articulate words, arguments, identities, and more.
We invite proposals that explore the idea of Articulations in connection with EAP concepts; EAP training methods, principles, practices and research; needs analysis, syllabus and materials design, teaching strategies and methodological issues; group/interdisciplinary teaching; critical EAP; e-learning and technology; academic identities; academic literacies; any other relevant topics.
Plenary speakers
- Anna Mauranen, University of Helsinki, Finland
- Cheryl Ball, Wayne State University, US
- Steve Kirk, Durham University, UK
Submission guidelines
Please submit your abstract of no more than 300 words and a biography of no more than 50 words by February 17th, 2019 using this link. The standard length for presentations is 30 minutes (20 minutes for presentation, plus 10 minutes for discussion). You will be notified of the outcome of the review process by March 17th, 2019.
The Ann Torday Gulden Scholarship
Ann Torday Gulden has been, for many years, a tireless and vital advocate for EAP in Norway, and this scholarship is named in her honour. This annual scholarship contributes up to 5000 NOK to the expenses of an EAP teacher or researcher to come to the conference and present their work. We seek to support work that is distinctive and original and that exemplifies innovative approaches to EAP theory and practice. It is open to all – please check the box provided in the proposal submission form if you would like to be considered for the scholarship.
Conference webpage: https://blogg.hioa.no/nfeap/
Important dates
- Registration opens: January 2019
- Deadline for abstracts: 17 February 2019
- Notification of acceptance: 17 March 2019
- Deadline for registration: 20 May 2019
- Conference programme available: mid-April 2019
- NFEAP conference 2019: 6-7 June 2019
The 1700 NOK conference registration fee includes refreshments and lunch for both days of the conference and the conference dinner on Thursday evening.
Please note that the NFEAP is a not-for-profit network and we are not in a position to assist with conference travel or subsistence.
We would like to thank you in advance for your contribution to the 13th NFEAP summer conference and look forward to having the opportunity to discuss and disseminate your work.
Registration will open in January 2019.
Registration deadline: May 20th, 2019