Department of English Philology

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  • Educational courses
  • Lecturers' schedule
  • Teaching materials
  • Research
  • Strategy
  • News

Strategy of Development Program for 2023-2028 (Department of English Philology)

The Department of English Philology at  Ivan Franko National University in Lviv is quite  large. As of this year, we may be teaching up to a thousand students. They are being trained  for BA and MA degrees by over sixty teachers holding 51 teaching positions and offering classes at full-time,  part-time and retraining and further education studies.

The Department is one of the oldest in the field in this country. Over  its  history spanning more than half a century it was graduated by  thousands  of students. It has also been home to the best and brightest teachers in Ukraine who  nurtured the highest standards of  language mastery by their students  and developed  diverse insights into research. Now our staff includes two  professors and over thirty associate professors. Younger teachers are working on their candidate theses and several more experienced ones on habilitations.

English as the first major is being taught during the whole study course within complementing aspects –several at a time for each group in varying configurations and changing priorities depending on the stage of studies, each delivered by  a specialist teacher. The aspects include an  introductory course and language tutor’s classes addressing the individual  needs of each student, diversely supplemented analytical  lessons  by reliable  intermediate- to  proficiency-level textbooks with special  companions  for Ukrainian students  (4 hours a week in the first 6 terms, then 2 hours), an   in-depth   study of normative grammar (terms 1-4 ),  reading and discussion of selected works of fiction (terms 5-8),  mass media English (terms 3-8),  integrated  writing skills (terms 7-8). In the first two years our students  will attend immersive  readings in English and American Literature conducted each week in small groups of students. There will  also be a three year literature course with lectures and seminars given by the Department of World Literature.

Our  framework enables  several  teachers at a time to contribute to the molding of each student’s language skills throughout the entire period  of his studies. Their prime aim lies in an all-round  unfolding of  each  student’s  language talents and learning potential.

Owing to the parallel training of practical skills in two foreign languages, broadly expanded by the introduction of double specialization at the Faculty, you will have a unique chance to  master a second foreign language of your choice: German (with the possibility of a one-month study trip to Otto Friedrich  University in Bamberg,  Bavaria) as well as  Spanish or French. There are also opportunities  of studying other large and even smaller languages with English as a good launching pad in this activity.

The Department also  offers selective classes  envisaged  for the versatile personal interests of students. They focus on specific aspects of language skills that stem from the richness of English. Such classes are conducted in slightly larger groups and span communicative proficiency of freshmen,  multiple  standards in imitative prosody, listening comprehension difficulties, subtleties of grammar and usage,  special tasks and formats of writing, discussion panels, lexical expansion in standard English and its sub-languages, text immersion in various subjects and professional domains as well as subject-oriented translation skills previously encouraged in the  course of  practical English training. We have teachers  who are  accomplished interpreters and  translators themselves with experience of interpreting in public as well as published work in the sphere of both  artistic and specialist translation.

Language theory and linguistics is a challenge that all our students will be helped to meet in a most enjoyable way.  You will spend most precious moments listening to lectures on a wide  selection of theoretical subjects: introduction to philology and specialization (with the now rarely taught essentials of the Gothic language), country and language studies, lexicology, history of English, theory of grammar and stylistics.   You will also cover teaching methodology and several related optional courses (use of multimedia in  teaching,  CLIL, ESP, age-target  teaching, etc.) crowned by the  memorable four-week teaching practice at the beginning of your 8th term.  And theory and practice of translation will be taught  by the Department of Contrastive Linguistics and Translation Studies that bears the name of Hryhoriy Kochur. Also, you will  be actively involved in seminars,  workshops and projects  in these subjects. And your skills in linguistics  are to be further solidified by your course-papers. They will be also enhanced  by your own choice of theoretical selective courses and by-subjects  from the open-ended list of disciplines  ranging from phonology, phraseology  and  lexicography through  external language history, study of  medieval texts and the works of  Shakespeare to methods of linguistic research, communication theory, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics,   discourse  analysis and texts of postmodernist literature. You  may also  join our English theatre or the students’ choir as well as numerous volunteer  and institutional projects that will contribute to your readiness  for a real job.  .

A number of our teachers have been to international conferences or on study trips to English speaking countries. And owing to the Erasmus program there are possibilities for student and teacher mobility. We enjoy the benefits of international  cooperation by numerous partnership agreements stretching from a number of European countries to the U.S., Canada  and China. We have also developed some interesting  tools for student research in philology, corpus linguistics or electronic modelling (the latter in resemblance to the OED and HTE) as well as teaching resources for classroom and  distant learning  and even inter-continental partnership sessions. And we have plans to open  up a one-month summer school for willing  students at John Moores University in Liverpool! There will also be other venues: Poland, Germany, Lithuania, Italy.   And there is a prospect of  learning Chinese.

We are  helpful and friendly to ALL students: those with a high creative potential and  aspiring to achieve more and more with each month and even  week. Equally,  we will help you to rediscover your own self,  if you  were not the best student at school. You may have a talent for languages! We want you to feel good and comfortable! We will be happy for you and feel proud of your accomplishments. Importantly, our teaching is institutional. It takes place in mixed groups for all aspects of English with a possibility of students inter-groups transfer for larger experience and higher efficiency of studies.

When you graduate you will make a decent  living of your major in English. As English is expanding  in the world teaching English at different levels to all kinds of students means a job at every corner in Ukraine. And even beyond. You can also work  as an interpreter or translator or  be employed as a language specialist (software tester, sales and markets specialist or the like) in the growing IT sector, or a language expert and editor at various offices or institutions. Our graduates  are working in industry, journalism,  politics,   tourism and  entertainment. And should you want to master a new profession, be it business, law or a branch of scholarship in the sciences or humanities, think of the advantages in your new field from the  command of English. And your children will come to speak English from a young age.

Take a closer look at our  MA Programs! They include exciting master classes by our best language practitioners, solid obligatory subjects, specially designed study programs in a set of research disciplines  on the cutting edge of scholarship,  methodology options  that will teach you how to teach, opportunities to unfold your translation talents through real-life  tasks and activities. We cannot but mention  a  most valuable experience that you will get during your two-month  teaching practice and a taste being a researcher while writing your MA thesis. We also offer enrolment for  postgraduate studies  as well as possibilities to present completed candidate dissertations. This year, our graduate and first postgraduate student from China Yongmin Wang is finishing up his thesis on pragmatic-cognitive peculiarities of loans in typologically distant languages.

The roots of English Studies at Lviv University go back to the subscription to the  New English Dictionary  (the first edition of the OED) by our scholarly library. Very few institutions  in Eastern Europe can boast of a complete set of this unique and still ongoing reference source for English which will celebrate its 90th anniversary next year. The scholarly journal  Inozemna Philologia (which was a quarterly for quite some  time) with most contributions on English Studies has been published here since 1964. The English  Department hosted  the 7th  International Conference on Middle English Studies attended by experts from twelve countries in 2011.We also co-hosted  three All-Ukrainian Students Olympiads in English.  An annual Anglistentag for English Studies scholars from Ukraine and elsewhere is to be held here starting next year.  We have had regular bilateral exchanges of groups of students with Warsaw University and the Higher Professional School named after Stanisław Pigoń in Krosno, Poland. We are also known internationally owing  to  lecturing visits of such renowned authorities as  Jacek  Fisiak (Poznań),  Manfred Görlach (Heidelberg), who donated part of his personal library to the Department,  Dieter Kastovsky (Vienna), Fritz König (North Carolina),  Barbara Kryk-Kastovsky (Vienna), Gabriele Knappe (Bamberg), Liliana Sikorska (Poznań), Hans Sauer (Munich), Matti Rissanen (Helsinki), Christiane Dalton-Puffer (Vienna), Grzegorz Kleparski (Rzeszów), Peter L. Rudnytsky (Florida),  Władysław Witalisz (Kraków), Yali Lee (Canada). John Underhill (France).

Our students benefit from  attending  unforgettable classes by numerous guests from other countries and native speakers of English, among them  the former British cultural attaché John Day who now resides in Lviv.

If you want to study English at Lviv University for your BA or MA Degree, make the Department of English YOUR FIRST CHOICE !!


ChairpersonMykhailo BilynskyChairperson
ProfessorIvan BekhtaProfessor
Associate ProfessorLiudmyla BabiichukAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorOlga BaranovskaAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorGloria BernarAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorTetyana BublykAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorNatalia CherkasAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorYuliya DatskoAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorOleksandra DeychakivskaAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorIryna DilayAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorMarta FedorchukAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorOl’ha FedorenkoAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorOksana HuralAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorSvitlana Ivashkiv-KohutAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorLesya KinashAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorIhor KondratyshynAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorKhrystyna KunetsAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorOlha KurpilAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorOlesya LadnytskaAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorCarolina LototskaAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorNatalia NeraAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorTetiana OrshynskaAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorOlha PavlyshenkoAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorTetyana PetrykAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorUliana PotiatynykAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorHalyna SadovaAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorLarysa SanotskaAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorOlha SpakAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorOksana SpodarykAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorStefaniya SukhorolskaAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorOlesia TatarovskaAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorSvitlana VoitiukAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorYuri ZavhorodnievAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorUlyana ZyomkoAssociate Professor
Senior LecturerIryna ArabskaSenior Lecturer
LecturerOleh BargelLecturer
LecturerOlena BezuhlaLecturer
LecturerIryna ChemerynskaLecturer
LecturerNataliya DiachukLecturer
LecturerHalyna DubrivskaLecturer
LecturerOlena HalanLecturer
LecturerIvanna HavronskaLecturer
LecturerAndriana HradLecturer
LecturerOksana HuralLecturer
LecturerVira KashubaLecturer
LecturerVasylyna KhomaLecturer
LecturerVira KhomichenkoLecturer
LecturerSolomiya KovalivLecturer
LecturerNadiya KrupskaLecturer
LecturerVira KulibabaLecturer
LecturerNadiya Kuz'mychLecturer
LecturerMarko LatykLecturer
LecturerLarissa LemeschukLecturer
LecturerNadiya MakaryshynLecturer
LecturerOlena OlenyukLecturer
LecturerChrystyna PayonkevychLecturer
LecturerRoseanna RiadskaLecturer
LecturerNatalia SabatLecturer
LecturerAntonina SamoteyaLecturer
LecturerAnna SavchukLecturer
LecturerIryna ShapovalovaLecturer
LecturerIryna SimchukLecturer
LecturerOlena SoloveyLecturer
LecturerOlha TarasyukLecturer
LecturerVasylyna YatskivLecturer
Lecturer, Postgraduate Student (by-worker)Taras YurchenkoLecturer, Postgraduate Student (by-worker)
LecturerIlona YurchyshynLecturer
LecturerOksana ZadorozhnaLecturer
Senior Department SecretaryMariya BodnarchukSenior Department Secretary
Senior Department SecretaryNadiya SenivSenior Department Secretary

1 year

2 year

3 year

4 year

5 year

6 year

Lecturers' schedule

Teaching materials


Olesia V. Tatarovska. Lectures in Theoretical Phonetics of the English Language and Method-Guides for Seminars
Дзюбіна О. І., Татаровська О. В. ENGLISH THROUGH SONGS
О. І. Дзюбıна, О. В. Татаровська. SKILLFUL READING (додаток до пıдручника Upstream B2)
Introduction to Text Linguistics
(by Prof. Dr. Ivan A. Bekhta)
Text Typology: Genre & Stylistics’ Specifications
(by Prof. Dr. Ivan A. Bekhta)
inguistic Seminar “Text, Culture, Socium
(Head: Prof. Dr. Ivan A. Bekhta)
English Phonetics
(by Prof. Dr. Ivan A. Bekhta)

The requirements and criteria (bachelors, aspect – writing) writing_4_year
Лотоцька К. Я. Стилістика англійської мови: Навч. посібник. – Львів: Видавничий центр ЛНУ імені Івана Франка, 2008. – 254 с.
Федоренко О. І., Сухорольська С. М., Руда О. В. Основи лінгвістичних досліджень: Підручник. – Львів: Видавничий центр ЛНУ імені Івана Франка, 2009. – 296 с.
Черкас Н. В. Практикум з ідіоматики англійської мови = English Idioms in Use : навч. посіб. : [для студ. вищ. навч. закл.] Н. В. Черкас. – Львів: Видавничий центр ЛНУ імені Івана Франка, 2009. – 236 с.
Latyk M. M. History, Culture and Language of the British People. Видавничий центр ЛНУ імені Івана Франка. Львів, 2008. – 290 p.
Soloshenko O. D., Zavhorodnyev Y. A., Latyk M. M. Modules On English Lexicology [for independent work and distant learning]. – Львів: Видавничий центр ЛНУ імені Івана Франка, 2008. – 520 p.
Бехта І.А. Теоретична фонетика англійської мови.– Львів : ПП Інтерпринт, 2010. – 227 с.
Максимчук І., Вступ до германської філології – Львів : Видавничий центр ЛНУ ім. Івана Франка, 2009. – 177 с.
Федоренко О.І. Основи лінгвістичних досліджень (Fundamentals of linguistic Research): Підручник. – Львів : Видавничий центр ЛНУ ім. Івана Франка, 2009. – 216 с.
Bekhta I.A. Linguistic Facilitator for Masters of English: Хрестоматія для магістрів. – Львів : ПП Інтерпринт, 2010. – 168 с.
Bekhta I.A. Сognitive Narratology: Lecture Course Book for Masters of English]. – Львів : ПП Інтерпринт, 2010. – 157 с.



  • issues of Linguistics in general and English Linguistics in particular (Derivatology, Corpus Grammar, Substitution);
  • style of fiction, system of artistic speech styles;
  • methodological problems of educational process intensification;

translations in the field of fiction, area studies, tourism, religion and theoretical physics.



Testing of First-Year Students of the Department of English Philology

25.08.2024 | 20:02

Dear First-Year Students!
We sincerely welcome you to the Department of English Philology.
We invite all of you to take part in the testing of first-year students of the Department of English Philology, which will take place on August 30 (Friday) at 3 p.m. aud. 405).
This event will help you better define your individual place in our exciting curriculum. Therefore, your participation in testing is very important for our joint success.
We wish you an unforgettable study.

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Scientific Seminar “Text. Culture. Society”

08.02.2023 | 09:08

Seminar meetings will be held on the last Monday of each month by invitation.

Olesya Tatarovska is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Науковий семінар “Текст. Культура. Соціум”
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 869 3554 2883
Passcode: XQiyn5

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