Department of World Literature

  • About the Department
  • Employees
  • Educational courses
  • Lecturers' schedule
  • Teaching materials
  • Research
  • News


World Literature Department (initially – Department of Western European Literature) came into being as an independent structural unit of the Faculty of Philology at the end of 1939, after the resumption of the education process. The first Head of the Department (1939-1947) was a famous literary scholar, writer and translator Mykhailo Rudnytskyi (1889-1975), who specialized in Ukrainian literature and comparative literary studies. In 1944 Mariya Shapovalova (1915‑1994) started to work at the Department. On defending her PhD thesis Ivan Franko as the Shakespearean Researcher and Translator she initiated the textbook (co-authored) History of Foreign Literature. Middle Ages. Renaissance, which already exists in four editions (1982, 1983 and 2011 in particular) and is still one of the most authoritative Ukrainian textbooks in the course for the faculties of Humanities.

Since 1948 Department of Western European Literature (in 1949 renamed into “World Literature Department”) was led by PhD, Associate Professor Oleksii Chicherin (1899-1989), who later became a Professor and worked at the Department to the last years of his life. In 1957 Oleksii Chicherin defended the doctoral dissertation Epic Novel in the Literature of Critical Realism. His books such as Ideas and Style, Rhythm of the Image, Sketches on the History of Russian Literary Style, Literary Works “Gobseck” and “Lost Illusions” by Honore de Balzac appeared one by one in Moscow publishing houses during 1958-1982. They became the theoretical basis for the literary school dealing with the author’s writing style. Since 1950 the Department has been the structural part of the Faculty of Foreign Languages. From 1974 to 1985 the Department was led by a literary Slavic scholar, Professor Volodymyr Motornyi (co-author of the textbook History of Foreign Literature. Middle Ages. Renaissance), from 1985 to 1996 – by Associate Professor Albina Havryliuk. From 1996 to July 2010 Associate Professor Yarema Kravets, the researcher of Francophone literature (Belgian and Quebec ones in particular) and its relations with the Ukrainian literature, an actual member of Shevchenko Scientific Society, the author of more than 350 scientific publications, translator, member of the National Writers Union of Ukraine, was the head of the Department. Since July 2010 the Department has been led by Associate Professor, Dr Lidiya Matsevko-Bekerska (author of the monograph Ukrainian Short Fiction of the End of the 19th Century – Beginning of the 20th Century in the Mirror of Narratology). Department’s pedagogical work covers three faculties of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv where world literature courses are held (Faculty of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Culture and Arts, Faculty of Philology) as well as the courses of relevant national literatures (Faculty of Foreign Languages). Furthermore, the Department provides training of “Teacher of world literature” specialty at the Faculty of Philology and teaching of world and national literatures at the Faculty of Humanities and Natural Sciences of the Institute of Postgraduate Education. There are post-graduate studies in specialty 035 – Philology (Literature of Foreign Countries) at the Department.

Chicherin Readings at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

The tradition of scientific forum for researchers of classical and contemporary world literature started in 1990, when, in February of that year, more than 30 literature scholars from Ukraine and Russia responded to the invitation of Foreign Literature Department to took part in the conference-commemoration of the first anniversary of the death of Oleksii Chicherin.

1993 – ІІ Chicherin Reading – Questions of Foreign Narrative Prose – gathered 45 literary scholars from around Ukraine, Russia and other countries.

1997 – ІІІ International Chicherin Reading – dedicated to the research of Cervantes oeuvre, in which more than 40 researchers, including the ones from Russia and Slovak Republic, participated.

1999 – ІV International Chicherin Reading. The general topic of “Novel and Style” attracted attention of the manifold of the attendees to 200th anniversary of Honore de Balsac’s birth and a 100th anniversary of Oleksii Chicherin’s birth. 47 scholars from Ukraine, Russia, Croatia and the UK took part in the conference.

2004 – V International Chicherin Reading – Questions of Fiction Prose Development. 79 scholars from Ukraine (Kyiv, Kharkiv, Dnipro, Poltava, Cherkasy, Lutsk, Chernivtsi, Drohobych, Ivano-Frankivsk) and abroad (Belarus, Bulgaria, Russia, Slovak Republic, Germany) participated in it.

2009 – VI International Chicherin Reading – World Literary Classics in the Literary-Critical Discourse of the 21st century. Among the participants, there were the representatives of six countries – Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, and Slovenia.

2011 – VIІ International Chicherin Reading – World Literary Classics within “The Great Time. The scientific discussion was attended by over 120 literary scholars from Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Lithuania and Russia. The work of VII VIІ International Chicherin Reading (in the context of the celebration of the 350th anniversary of Lviv University) showed creative atmosphere, active scientific research in the field of world literary process investigation.

2013 – VIІІ International Chicherin Reading – World Literature in Literary-Critical Discourse of the 21st Century. Science forum brought together more than 130 literary scholars from Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Lithuania, Poland and Russia. The program of International Chicherin Reading initiated directions of scientific discussions, which interested the researchers of both classical literary heritage and contemporary world literature. Special page of Chicherin Reading is dedicated to the newest achievements in methodological techniques and ways of research, reception and interpretation of a literary text. There was unchanged creative atmosphere, active and productive scientific research in the field of study of world literary process.

2015 – ІХ International Chicherin Reading – World Literature in Literary-Critical Discourse of the 21st Century. More than 100 participants focused on the problems of genre versatility of literature of the beginning of the 21st century, modern methodologies of literary analysis, genealogic aspects of world literature, world literature time-spatial dimensions, interaction of literatures (influences, parallels, imitation). The scientists from Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Lithuania, Poland continued the tradition of creative collaboration, active and productive scientific research in the field of study of world literary process in an active dialogue.


The research work of the department is implemented via the activities of the scientific seminar “World Literature in the Literary-Critical Discourse of the 21st century” (the head – Prof. L. Matsevko-Bekerska), “Space of Literature” (the head – Prof. O. Bandrovska), cinematographic seminar (headed by Assoc. Prof. D. Melnyk and PhD, Assist. Prof. V. Yaremchuk) and is put to the test in finding modern forms of educational process during the meetings of methodological seminar (the head – Prof. L. Matsevko-Bekerska).

The Department maintains regular creative contacts with literary scholars from Austria, Belgium, Greece, Canada (Quebec), Luxembourg, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, the USA, Finland, France, Germany, Czech Republic. The cooperation with foreign scientific research centers is implemented by the exchange of scientific production and consulting on various issues of the world literary process as well as by joint publications. Scientific projects are developed, so the Department is integrated into the European research system of problems of foreign literary studies and comparative literary studies.

In recent years research interests of World Literature Department staff have been focused on such issues: main literary processes in world literature (Dr L. Matsevko-Bekerska, Associate Professors O. Bandrovska, S. Varetska, Y. Kravets, D. Melnyk, N. Polishchuk, I. Senchuk, Y. Tarassiuk, Assistant Lecturers V. Yaremchuk, O. Kit, N. Komynska, N. Kurishko, O. Mayevska), problems of the novel development in the world literature (Associate Professors O. Bandrovska, A. Havryliuk, Y. Kravets, I. Kushnir, N. Polishchuk, Y. Tarassiuk, Assistant Lecturer V. Yaremchuk), genre modification  and problems of time and space in modern literature (Doctor of Philology L. Matsevko-Bekerska, PhD, Assistant Lecturer Kh. Pastukh), problems of style and author’s image (Associate Professors A. Havryliuk, S. Varetska, D. Melnyk), problems of literary postmodernism (Associate Professors O. Bandrovska, S. Varetska, N. Polishchuk, I. Senchuk), problems of translation studies (Associate Professors Y. Kravets, I. Kushnir, Y. Tarassiuk).

Theoretical courses of the Department:

  • Introduction to Literary Studies (Prof. Dr. L. Matsevko-Bekerska; Associate Prof., PhDPolishchuk)
  • Theory of Literature ( Dr. L. Matsevko-Bekerska)
  • History of World Literature for the students of foreign languages faculty ( Dr. O. Bandrovska, Associate Prof. A. Havryliuk, Y. Kravets, I. Kushnir, I. Senchuk, Y. Tarassiuk, D. Melnyk; Assistant Prof., PhD V. Yaremchuk)
  • History of World Literature for the students of faculty of philosophy and the faculty of culture and arts (Associate Prof., PhD N. Polishchuk and S. Varetska)
  • National (English) Literature ( Dr. O. Bandrovska, Associate Prof. A. Havryliuk, I. Senchuk; Assistant Prof., PhD V. Yaremchuk; Assistant Prof. N. Kurishko and N. Komynska)
  • National (German) Literature (Associate Prof. S. Varetska, D. Melnyk)
  • National (French) Literature (Associate Prof. Y. Kravets, I. Kushnir)
  • National (Spanish) Literature (Assistant Prof. O.Mayevska)
  • Leading Tendencies in Contemporary World Literature ( Dr. O. Bandrovska, Associate Prof. I. Kushnir, I. Senchuk, S. Varetska, D. Melnyk, Assistant Prof. V. Yaremchuk)
  • Methodology of Teaching of World Literature (Prof. Dr. L. Matsevko-Bekerska)

Special (Optional) Courses of the Department:

  • History of World Literature (for students of the Faculty of Philology; additional specialty) (Associate Prof. Y. Tarassiuk, Assistant Prof. N. Kurishko)
  • History of the English Novel (Prof. Dr. O. Bandrovska)
  • Peculiarities of Women’s Writing of the English Literature of the 19th – 20th Centuries (Associate Prof. N. Polishchuk)
  • Poetics of the Romantic Novel (Associate Prof. D. Melnyk)
  • Ukrainian-Francophone Literary Contacts of the 20th Century (Associate Prof. Y. Kravets)
  • Techniques and Fleshliness in the Literature of Modernism (Prof. Dr. O. Bandrovska)
  • Austrian Novel of the First Half of the 20th Century (Associate Prof. D. Melnyk)
  • Development of the Naturalistic Novel in Francophone Literatures (Associate Prof. I. Kushnir)
  • Literature and Hypertext (Prof. Dr. O. Bandrovska)
  • Irish Modernism: W.B. Yeats, J. Joyce (Associate Prof. I. Senchuk)
  • Germanophone Postmodernist “Künstlerroman” (Associate Prof. S. Varetska)
  • Surrealism: Project of Interdisciplinary Studies (Associate Prof. Y. Tarassiuk)
  • Influence of Philosophical Concepts on the Development of Spanish Literature of the 17th – 18th Centuries (Assistant Prof O.Mayevska)
  • Feminist Tendencies of Spanish Literature (Assistant Prof. O.Mayevska)
  • Comparative Literary Studies (Associate Prof. I. Kushnir)
  • American Literature (Associate Prof. N. Polishchuk)
  • Baroque Paradigm in German Literature of the Second Half of the 20th Century(Associate Prof. S. Varetska)
  • Contemporary French Literature (Associate Prof. I. Kushnir)
  • Latin American Literature of the 20th Century (Associate Prof. Y. Tarassiuk)
  • History of Modern English Novel (the 18th – the first half of the 20th) (Prof. Dr. O. Bandrovska)
  • Poetics of English Modernism (Prof. Dr. O. Bandrovska)
  • The Development of English Drama: from Middle Ages till “New Drama” (Assistant Prof.Yaremchuk)
  • British Fantasy Literature (Assistant Prof.Yaremchuk)
  • Poetics of Anglophone “Künstlerroman” of the End of the 19th – the Beginning of the 20th c. (Assistant Prof. N. Kurishko)
  • Representations of London in the English Novel (Associate Prof. I. Senchuk)
  • Leading Tendencies of Contemporary English Novel Development (Associate Prof. I. Senchuk)


Chairperson, Professor (by-worker)Lidiya Matsevko-BekerskaChairperson, Professor (by-worker)
Professor (by-worker)Oksana BabelyukProfessor (by-worker)
ProfessorOlha BandrovskaProfessor
Associate ProfessorYarema KravetsAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorIryna KushnirAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorNadiya PolishchukAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorIryna SenchukAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorYaryna TarasyukAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorSofiya VaretskaAssociate Professor
LecturerOksana BoychenkoLecturer
LecturerNatalia KomynskaLecturer
LecturerNataliya KurishkoLecturer
Lecturer (by-worker)Ol'ha MayevskaLecturer (by-worker)
Lecturer (by-worker)Maria ZavarynskaLecturer (by-worker)

Lecturers' schedule

Teaching materials

Scientific and Methodological Working Planning of the Department (2d Semester 2016/2017) (Download the file: scientific and methodological working plan 332 Kb)

List of literary texts: (texts_list)

State Examination in National Literature: (Download RAR – 41 KB)

Exam: «History of World Literature» (Download  RAR – 56 Kb)

Exam: «National Literature» (Download  RAR – 85 Kb)

Guidelines for writing Course Papers MA (Diploma) Works on the History of World Literature and National Literature : (methodology)

Topics of Course Papers 2016/2017: (Course Papers)

The Program of Educational Teaching Practice in World Literature for Masters: (Educational Teaching Practice (Masters))

The Program of Educational Teaching Practice in World Literature for Specialists: (Educational Teaching Practice (Specialists))


Research topic: World Literature in Literary Discourse of XXI Century. Head of Research Topic: Professor Lidiya Matsevko-Bekerska.

Interdepartmental Cycle of Lectures “Nobel Laureats in Literature”. Project Manager: PhD, Associated Professor  Yarema Kravets.


Doctoral degree holder Dissertation title Year of defence Place of defence
Bandrovska O.T. Novels and Criticism by David Lodge and the University Novel of the 1970s – 1980s. 1999 Oles Honchar National University of Dnipropetrovsk
Koval M.R. Role and Place of Play-element in Novels by John Barth as Postmodernist Literary Phenomenon. 2000 Taras Shevchenko Institute of Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Polishchuk N.Yu. Transformation of Ahasver Mythologeme in West European Literature of the 19-20th Centuries. 2001 Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Todchuk N.Y. Time-Space in the Work of I. Franko For the Hearth Home in a Channel of Novation of European Literature. 2001 Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Tsybenko L.B. The Temporal-Spatial Model of Christoph Ransmayr’s Novel The Last World. A Phenomenological Approach 2001 Taras Shevchenko Institute of Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Shevchuk N.V. Christmas Books by Charles Dickens in its Chronotope Typological Connections. 2001 Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Mocherniuk N.D. Dream in the Poetics of Romanticism: the Time-Space Specificity. 2005 Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University of Ternopil.
Hnidets U.S. The Specificity of Communication in the Literature for Children and Youth (based on  the Modern German Novel) 2007 Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University
Yaremko R.V. The Author’s Implicit Image as the Form of the Expressively-Meaningful Narrative in the Prose of Max Frisch. 2007 Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University of Ternopil.
Varetska S.О. Baroque Paradigm in the Creativity of Günter Grass. 2008 Taras Schevchenko National University of Kyiv
Petrus O.V. Narrative Strategies in the Biographical Prose by Peter Ackroyd 2008 Oles Honchar National University of Dnipropetrovsk
Pastukh Kh.A. Evolution of the Gothic Poetics and Emily Bronte’s Novel Wuthering Heights 2009 Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Rietz-Rakul К.P. Poetical Peculiarities of Hypernovels in Cultural and Literary Perspective (Based on the Novels by M. Joyce, S. Mouthrop, Sh. Jackson and M.D. Coverly). 2009 Oles Honchar National University of Dnipropetrovsk
Matsevko-Bekerska L.V. (DrH degree in Philology) The Narrative Strategies of the Short Story (Based on the Ukrainian Literature of Late 19th – Early 20th cc). 2009 Taras Shevchenko Institute of Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Drobit I.M. Historical Discourse in British Novel of 1980-90s 2010 Taras Schevchenko National University of Kyiv
Kushnir I.B. The Symbol of Land and its Specific Artistic Realization in French, Belgian and Swiss French-language Prose of the End of 19th – the Beginning of 20th Centuries (Novels by E. Zola, С. Lemonnier, Ch.-F. Ramuz). 2011 Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University of Ternopil.
Melnyk D. М. Self-identification as Philosophical and Personal Discourse in the Prose of Ingeborg Bachmann 2012 Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University
Senchuk I.А. Mythopoetics of William B. Yeats 2012 Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University
Levytska О.S. The Principle of Contextuality in the Organization of Artistic Chronotope in the Novel The French Lieutenant’s Woman by John Fowles 2013 Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Berezhanska Yu.V. The Expressionist Poetics in the Prose by Gustav Meyrink. 2013 Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University
Pastushuk H.О. Genesis and Evolution of the Fool Image in English Literature of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. 2013 Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University
Tarasyuk Ya.P. Poetics and Problems of Francois Mauriac’s Early Novels. 2013 Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University
Horlach M.V. Concept of “the Other” in Doris Lessing’s Novels 2013 Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University
Tymeichuk І.М. Discourse of “the Other” in Margaret Atwood’s Dystopian Novels 2014 Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University
Yaremchuk V.V. Mythopoeic World Models in The Inklings’ Literary Circle Oeuvre. 2014 Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University
Bandrovska O. T. Antropological Discourse of English Modern Novel 2015 Taras Shevchenko Institute of Literature of the NAS of Ukraine


12th International Chicherin’s Readings

21.02.2021 | 20:48

Faculty of Foreign Languages
Department of World Literature
Department of Foreign Languages and Translation Studies
Institute of Languages, Literature and Culture
Wydział Filologiczny
Instytut Filologii Słowiańskiej
Zakład Ukrainistyki
Department of English Language and Literature
Dear Colleagues!
Department of World Literature warmly invites you to a conference – 12th International Chicherin’s Readings «World Literature in the 21st-century Literary Studies Discourse»...

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CONGRATULATIONS on Successful Defense of Ph.D. Thesis!

14.11.2019 | 12:44

CONGRATULATIONS to Assistant of the Department of Classical Philology, Senior Laboratory Assistant of the Department of World Literature Savula  Andriy on successful defense of his Ph.D. thesis on "The Intensity of Aattributive Trait in Latin(on the Material of the Poetry of the Augustine Epoch)" that took place in Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Institute of Philology).

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Photo Report from Students’ Conference. World Literature Section.

02.05.2019 | 19:23

Once again, the Department of World Literature joined the Students' Conference. An unchanging leader is always at the disposal of the scientific achievements of the younger generation. The head of the section is Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of World Literature Iryna Kushnir.

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